Death's Door| Saiouma Oneshot

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From the moment he could understand what was laid out in front of him, life became a living nightmare. His lips were sealed, he couldn't save anyone, and yet, he knew how to. It was rather simple. Above the heads of people, a number and words were displayed. The exact time of death, and how. It sounds like a blessing, it really was for the first few days. But,  failing to save one person from inevitable death turns into being responsible for all deaths. This was the world Shuichi was placed in practically from birth. A world he hated.

          His hate didn't translate to others, though. Shuichi was soon found out, as he was always there when someone died. He always knew the cause of death when asked. It was reckless, but it really broke him. It wasn't his place to interfere and to fail, because then their life would be in his hands. Now, Shuichi was inside a building where his whole purpose was to interfere. To save people, use his talents to the best of his abilities. The talents he had purposefully tried so hard to hide, to ignore. It was odd, frustrating. Running away was not an option, though.

        Changing wasn't an option then either. Shuichi didn't work on his talent, he didn't even look up during classes. He didn't understand anything said because he didn't want to. Shuichi had held lives in his hands once, there was no need for him to hold more. There was no point, when they died anyways. This mindset drove him to become lower and lower in this makeshift hierarchy. Bullied, driven into the ground, not deserving of anything. No one even knew what his talent was, they just knew he had one. That was perhaps his worse offense in their eyes. And yet, Shuichi didn't do anything about it because he believed he shouldn't.

        These twisted beliefs flooded his mind, finally swarming the reflective edges of the mirror his gaze was trained on. The normal words and numbers floated above his head. XX/XX/XXXX, Undefined. Shuichi gripped the sink tightly, straightening himself up to get ready to leave. Footsteps suddenly echoed behind him before he could move. Something so strange reflected back at him in the mirror. A person with no letters, no numbers, nothing above their head. Shuichi nearly slammed his back into the sink as he spun around with such great speed that it'd put some talents to shame. That definitely caught their eye, as the person turned to look at Shuichi, and laughed.

"Oh my god you're so obvious! How did you even become so mysterious when you're brooding in a bathroom, during lunch?!" The boy cackled, and took a breath, the ends of his hair curled." W-I can't... who are you?" Shuichi stuttered. Clearly, this person already knew him. That didn't bother him, though. What bothered Shuichi was that he didn't know when this boy was going to die. Not like the others. His hand found its way to his hat on the sink, ready to slam it onto his head again and rush out when one end was suddenly held down." Oh calm down, I'm not one of those jerks or whatever. Kokichi Ouma!"

Perhaps it was the relief that drove him to continuing the conversation, or perhaps it was sheer panic, but Shuichi responded. He talked, for once in his time here." Shuichi Saihara... uhm, what's your talent? I can't..," It seemed rude to ask, but Kokichi didn't even react. He just let go of the hat and walked towards one of the stalls." Oh, no talents work on me! Not yours, not the guy that can rip out organs, no one!" Ouma said in a disturbingly cheerful voice. Those words gave Shuichi so much relief. He couldn't be obligated to watch over Kokichi, he didn't even know what would happen to him. Perhaps he could actually be friends with someone. It seemed like such a possibility when it was never one before.
Friends. True friends, Shuichi and Kokichi were. Perhaps they were more, but that didn't matter to either of them. It was pure joy that followed every time Shuichi saw the purple eyed boy. It became something so normal, so natural, that Shuichi found himself thrown off guard when he walked into school and a cold feeling of dread creeped down his back. For his eyes might've been hidden under his hat, but the numbers didn't lie." Explosion | XX/XX/XX, 5hrs 47min," That was the end of the school day. This person was going to die soon. Not just this person, everyone. The blue hair boy stood at the entrance of the school and clearly could see no student survived. Shuichi took a step back, his breath quickening.

         He was going to watch everyone die in less than 6 hours. Shuichi was mortified, which caught the attention of Kokichi quickly." Come on! We're going to be late!" The excitable boy called, grabbing Shuichi's arm and pulling him towards the school. But he didn't move. Shuichi stood firm, his eyes locked to the ground." An.... an explos-" He tried to say, but the words caught in his throat. Shuichi might've been happy, but he still couldn't save a life. He was never able to. There was nothing he could do to prevent this. But there was, and Kokichi knew that very well. Kokichi's horrified expression lasted only a second before he grabbed the boy by the collar and pulled him down to his level. Though Shuichi thought- knew he couldn't save anyone, he knew Kokichi could. And perhaps that was what drove him to play along.


Tick. Tick. Tick. The clock came to a halt. Odd, but not a rare occurrence. The classes always went dead silent when the ticking stopped. The silence was broken. Alarms blared, forcing its way into the heads of students. Panic set in. People rushed out, and not a single person was left behind. Shuichi was one of them. He ran outside, his eyes scanning across the crowd. It was normal. Everyone wasn't going to die. His mind spun, for he had never been able to save one person before, let alone a whole school. A hand laid on his shoulder, spinning him around. Shuichi didn't care, but he knew. And lips met lips for the first time as a cacophonous boom echoed through the mountains.

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