Headcanon| Saiouma

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          Shuichi takes the blanket while they sleep. He doesn't mean to, it's just that when Kokichi has DICE business to attend to or Shu's out detectiving, he uses the blankets as a makeshift Kokichi. This habit just latched onto even when Kichi is there. It's either Shuichi taking the blankets or latching onto Kokichi, and the liar prefers the latter. On the other hand though, Kokichi steals all the pillows because as a youngin', one of his folks told him that if you sleep with your neck tilted at an angle, then your torso will have to adjust therefore making you taller. He knows this is lie, but it's become a habit to do so as well.

If they ever have a fully made bed, then the end of times is upon us.

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