Come Back| Komahina Oneshot

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(An AU. Idk what it is man I'm bsing this)

       Columns and columns of books stretched overhead, bending and twisting in ways unnatural. The lanterns hanging from the pillars flicker as the fireflies slowly die out, leaving a cold emptiness in the atmosphere. The smell of dust and decay lingers in the air, weeding its way into the ancient floorboards. It's always the same sight for him. The boy who sits in the middle of this circular room, bound to his throne. No people, no clocks, not even a mirror. The furniture never changes except for the slowly dying light.

      Who knows how much time had passed after he was sealed in there. He didn't remember the name they gave him, but he remembered his old one. He didn't even remember what he looked like. To him, it was just all frozen in time, his memories slipping away everyday. Maybe he was in there because he did something bad, or he deserved it. No matter the reason, it didn't matter anymore. Because he was going to be stuck in this room forever, until the binds wear thin and his skeleton falls on the ground dead.

      Until the wall in front of him shifted, and a gray eyed boy poked his head in. He held out a lantern with writhing, glowing caterpillars inside towards the room. It took the boy a moment to notice the one sat in the middle, and he lowered the lantern to approach slowly.

    "Hello?" The grey eye boy ventured.

    "... hello," the one in the chair said, scanning the boy in front of him. Perhaps it had not been so long after all. He recognized the style of clothes, even if the lantern was unknown to him." Do I know you?"

     The boy shook his head, gently placing the lantern on one of the book piles." My name is Nagito. We haven't met, but I'm sure there's a reason you're sealed behind a wall in my basement,"

      "There probably is, but I don't remember. I'm..." he hesitated," I'm Iz... Hajime."

      "Cool! So, I'm sure you're a great guy, but I won't be letting you out. Hope you don't mind," Nagito grinned, and Hajime tried to reciprocate, unsure if he was successful.

        Much to Hajime's surprise, Nagito turned and grabbed a book from one of the piles. He dusted off another and sat down, stuffing his nose into a book." But you're going to sit and read in front of me?" Hajime pointed out, amusement lining his voice. To this, Nagito merely shrugged.

        And that was how most of their days went. Nagito would enter, read a book and eventually leave to the shout of another. Hajime became used to his presence, and despite trying not to come off as off-putting, he couldn't help but stare. His green jacket hung off the edge of the books he sat on perfectly, and it had been awhile since Hajime had seen someone make such expressive faces so genuinely. It began to weed its way into his map of the room, becoming just as normal to him as the high stacks of books or dusty room.

      A few weeks passed by, and a few things had changed. Nagito came in one day, holding several cleaning utensils and a little, clear bag of glowing caterpillars. Hajime could see right away that his face was troubled and sad, but the last time he tried to ask about it Nagito left him alone again.

    So he took another approach." What are you doing?"

    To his luck, Nagito shrugged," I dumno. I felt like cleaning but everywhere was filled with blabbering idiots who kept messing everything up. And you can't move! So at least you'll be out of my way."

     "You're right on that, I guess. I don't remember if I've ever seen this place look... not ancient," Hajime admitted, watching Nagito scoop out dead fireflies and replace them with caterpillars instead. The room lit up with a warmth that Hajime didn't realize he craved. The light danced across the walls, illuminating Nagito's face in a beautiful way.

        "I wouldn't be surprised. You always forget everything, and this place looks ancient. Though, the latests book I found were from like 7 years ago," Nagito rambled, the sad and troubled expression slipping into an amused one. He worked fast, and began to brush the floor with the broom and then mop it. The ancient floorboards no longer looked so worn and shaky.
     Hajime watched him finish up, cleaning the walls, the crevices and the books with precision. Nagito even held conversations with Hajime, despite his focus. Though, Hajime couldn't help but think that Nagito really didn't want the sound to stop. He seemed so much happier than when he first entered. It made Hajime's heart flutter when he saw the newly cleaned room, and more importantly, Nagito. It hit him hard when he realized the boy was about to leave, and Hajime blurted-

     "Happy birthday. Thank you for visiting me," and though he could barely see it, he could tell Nagito's smile from a mile away. As long as the tears that ran down his cheeks as the wall closed behind him.

    Another week passed when Nagito came in, rolling in a standing mirror and holding a bunch of blankets under his arms. Hajime glanced up at met his own red eyes in his reflection. His black hair spilled out across the back of the throne, concealing most of his face. He looked... so different than what Hajime had remembered. The distress in his face was obvious, now that he could see himself.

     Nagito threw one of the blankets over the mirror before unrolling the others, revealing a variety of supplies. Scissors, a new pair of clothes, crushed berries, and a few other things Hajime couldn't make out.

     "So, today's the first day of the harvest," Nagito started. He walked over to stand in front of Hajime, a bundle of blankets and a pillow in his arms." And I remember you constantly talking about how you used to look, except you look completely different. So, we're fixing that. Like a birthday gift. Uhm, are you okay with that?"

     Hajime couldn't help but stare wide eyed at him. Tears sprung to his eyes despite him thinking he was incapable of producing them." Yes, I'm fine. I'd like to look like myself again," he choked out, a thankful smile crossing his face. Nagito clicked together the scissors, giving back a smile that made Hajime's heart jump before getting to work.

    A few hours passed when Nagito stepped back, looking Hajime up and down. He gave a satisfied grin, and tore the blanket off the mirror without warning. Hajime saw himself, the real self this time. His brown hair spiked up in an ahoge, his eyes flickering between brown and reddish brown. It was perfect, everything he remembered himself to be.

     "Some of my best work," Nagito joked, walking behind the throne and placing his head on Hajime's. Nagito wrapped his arms around Hajime, and they stayed there for a moment. It all felt so amazing, and Hajime felt disappointed when Nagito let go.

     "Thank you for doing this. It... it means everything to me," Hajime said, happiness in his eyes. It faded quickly when he realized why Nagito had let go. That familiar shout from above. It was then that Hajime realized how much Nagito meant to him. His first friend in, what, 7 years? Someone he had truly fallen in love with. Without meaning to, the words flowed out of his mouth desperately," Please don't leave. Stay,"

     Nagito stopped in the doorway, glancing back at Hajime with a smile. He walked over to him, haste in his steps, and gave him a warm hug, ending it with a gentle kiss. He hurried back to the door, leaving Hajime awestruck. Nagito turned around, and waved," I'll come back every day. I promise,"

Back again losers!! I didn't wanna go to bed so you got this!! I hope it wasn't too confusing or long sorry if it was I'm more tired than I thought. Also, I'm trying to use tone tags more so neurodivergent readers please send tips on when to use them and how frequently?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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