Stakes| Celesgiri Oneshot

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Ya girl's back, insecure, and not with your regularly scheduled program, but shorter! And probably not for long!

Kyoko couldn't move her eyes. Her suspicion was going haywire, or was it suspicion at all? She had never felt this feeling before, so she could only assume that it was another form of her default. Untrust, paranoia, fear, suspicion. That was all of her emotions rolled into one, and she wouldn't let herself be exposed to more. Despite how much Makoto earned her trust, despite her infatuation with the girl in front of her.

Ludenberg, Celestia. The girl sitting with her legs crossed, a fancy tea cup to her side as she talked with someone. Kyoko wanted to know more about her. And yet, she didn't want to approach. She wanted to crash through her walls and pull the girl in. It couldn't be suspicion, though, and it couldn't be anything else. The poor detective had no idea why she kept hyper focusing on the girl with black drills, how she would close her scarlet eyes and smile a taunting smile. Usually, she would find it condescending, like with Byakuya. And yet, she wanted the girl to smile at her like that.

It was odd. Even when Celestia did smile at her like that when they hung out and played othello, she wanted more. Kyoko wanted to hold the girl close, share their deepest secrets and stay in each other's arms until they had to leave. That wasn't suspicion. Even Kirigiri couldn't pass those thoughts as suspicion. There was no explanation. And that was terrifying. She had the answers, and when she didn't, she'd figure them out eventually. She had no clues, no answers, only the feeling of wanting to be close to someone. Perhaps... perhaps she could place this as a side mystery. Because, they'd both live.
Two bodies. Ishima-Ishimondo, Hifumi. One culprit. Kyoko usually had an idea of who it would be after a bit of investigation, a bit of clue placing. The obvious choice was Yasuhiro, but it was too obvious. Her eyes flitted across everyone's faces and landed on one. One that she didn't even want to consider. Her gaze turned hard, and she snapped it away. Her mystery, Celestia, Kyoko wanted to believe it wasn't possible. And the investigation progressed, Makoto discovering clues and asking questions like usual. She didn't need to do much this time around. She knew who the culprit was, it was just admitting it.

       And the awaited class trial came quicker than she would've liked. Kirigiri couldn't move her eyes from one person, but it was unlike the other times. She wasn't staring because of a mystery, she was staring because she knew something. Kyoko didn't want to participate in this one, but her little mystery could wait. Who knows, today might be the day she could figure out Celestia's mystery. Why she intrigued Kyoko so much despite her walls. If... if the gothic girl didn't die by the hands of the bear, of course.

       The trial pushed on. They came to one conclusion, and it wasn't one she liked. Makoto had confirmed it, Byakuya had confirmed it, and Celestia confirmed it. It was voting time. For the last two trials, Kyoko pressed the buttons quick as day because she was confident in her decisions. This time, she hesitated. Her confidence behind her decision was still there, behind knowing Celestia was the blackened. Something else was stopping her. The girl was gazing at her with masked eyes, a dejected smile on her face. It made it all the harder to vote. Celestia's smile changed, though. It turned encouraging, not dejected. Like she was asking Kyoko to press the button. Closing her eyes, she finally pressed the button to condemn the girl to her death forever.

       It was over. Taeko- no, Celestia came over to her, a smile on her face. The one she gave Kyoko to make her vote. It should've been unnerving, but it gave her comfort, knowing Celeste wasn't mad at her. An incredible sensation filled her head as she felt her gloved hands being held oh so delicately. It was numb, she had little feeling in her hands, and yet her brain had tricked her into wanting to feel again. So she could hold Celestia's hands without remorse. Something heavy dropped into her cupped fingers, and Kyoko raised her head." Goodbye," Kirigiri said softly." Goodbye, Kyoko,"

        Those words showed the answer to her little mystery. Kyoko loved Celestia Ludenberg, down to the depths of her heart. Where she got the word love, why she hadn't realize it sooner, she didn't know. Her eyes widened, her mouth opened to yell at Celestia as she began to walk towards her podium to be grabbed. Kyoko turned her feet, and began to walk towards her desperately." Celes-" That was all she could say, before the gothic lolita was seized by the waist and yanked away from her grasp. Her mystery ended before she could publicize the results. It took all her strength to stand straight, to pretend that it didn't shatter every feeling in her chest. Kyoko raised her head, and turned her back, walking past the group. Tears formed in her eyes, and she muttered something before she left.

"That was the mystery. I love- loved, you,"

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