Headcanon| KomaHina

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      Nagito actually left a message near the crime scene, on the back of a monokuma cutout. He knew that they'd fall backwards and no one would dare touch the scene as to preserve it. It was a message specifically for Hajime, directed to Hajime because he assumed that the most boring person wouldn't bother to even try to be adventurous. Nagito was of course, wrong, and Hajime had lifted up every cutout to check for clues he missed after the trial. He found it, and it was a simple," The hope that sleeps within you is one I can't bear to imagine would ever be extinguished. Don't die, because I died as a stepping stone for you. Or do, I don't care, because then I will know the hope I loved in you so much was faulty,"

Hajime took the cutout back to his cabin and left it in the corner, and once the simulation ended, he left the cutout in front of Nagito's pod. On said cutout, he wrote," You have that hope inside you too, you just assumed it was a weight to bear." Oh, and Monokuma's face was replaced with Usami's. The moment Nagito woke up, he began crying because he knew everything that happened, and he knew it was his fault in the end.

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