Shipwrecked Crews| Saiouma Oneshot

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           Shuichi stood at the bow of the ship, his hands clenched on the mop loosely. Being a hostage turned crew member was a surprisingly lonely life, but it was better than nothing. Being a crew member lead him to caring about the others on the ship. Except the captain and his first mate, but he wouldn't say a word about his grudge. So because he cared about those on the ship, Shuichi most definitely cared as they were heading right into a rocky part of the ocean." Uh, ehm, captain? Is there anothe-" "Hold on everybody! Gonna be a bumpy ride!" Shuichi's voice was drowned out by the captain's orders and the loud crash as the side of the boat skimmed a rock." Just a mishap, won't happen again!" The captain tried to reassure, only to find herself slamming the ship into a tight crevice, and the current drifted them away. Shuichi was forced underwater as the whole ship thrashed about, and consciousness was robbed from him.
    "Sidekick, wake up!" Kaito called from far away, and Shuichi rose, blinking the water and sand away. Kaito was helping carry small bits of debris away from the ship, and just passed Shuichi. Shuichi shot up, coughing up water and straightened to see the wreckage. He heard bustling behind him and turned around to see a completely unfamiliar face staring down at him." Behind the line," the man snapped, pointing to the line in the sand. Although Shuichi was already behind it, he stepped back and noticed the pain in his side and the faint outline of a person in the sand across the line. Did they kick him, when he was still struggling to wake up? Then he saw it, the other ship's flag, stuck on a pile of rocks. The DRVIII, another criminal,"pirate" crew that could rival his. Also known as Shuichi's sworn "enemy" at sea.

       "Why do I have to be paired with a GanPaRonDan fool?! Choose someone else!" The short boy yelled as they were forced towards the overgrown forest." Shut up, will you?! The rest of us are busy, so we have to send you two in to scout for food! Now stop complaining!" Kaito reprimanded the boy, and pat Shuichi on the back as he was also forced to go in. Feeling pressure already building, he muttered," I don't want to be paired with you either." Shuichi could feel the half-heartedness in his statement but tried to keep up the rival thing." Kokichi, just go in for our sake!" A crew member from the boy's yelled. "Kokichi" grumbled, turned heel and marched into the forest.

      Panicked, Shuichi ran after him only to find himself out of breath after 3 minutes. Luckily, three minutes was all he needed to find Kokichi kneeling in front of a berry bush." Oh great, stop following me! I don't want you here!" The boy said, rolling a berry around in his hand." I... would rather us not be alone in here," Shuichi stated, approaching him and kneeling as well." Well I would rather be alone! Shoo!" Kokichi continued, and raised the berry to his lips. Shuichi's eyes widened and he grabbed Kokichi's wrist, forcing him to drop the berry." What are you doing?! Those things are poisonous!" Shuichi scolded, pulling Kokichi back from the bush.

       Then laughter ensued. Kokichi began cackling like mad, getting words in during short breathes," Oh my god.... I can't.. pfft... believe you... fell for that!" Shuichi's worried expression faded into confusion as Kokichi finally calmed down." Fell for... what?! You could've died! You might hate me but-" "You fell for that too! One, everyone knows those are deadly, and three, I don't hate you," Kokichi explained, flicking a tear from his eye. Shu turned his head, obviously pouting," It wasn't that funny." He mumbled, seeing Kokichi begin chuckling under his breath. They continued to talk as they gathered the berries that weren't poisonous, and Shuichi found himself falling deeper into a hole he didn't want to get out of.

      So he didn't. Shuichi and Kokichi began "accidentally" volunteering for similar tasks that send them into private areas. There they would talk about practically everything. It was cleared up, the two didn't hate each other or their crew at all. The captains just had a weird grudge because Ganparondan had a less chaotic way of solving problems. This particular day, they were sent to the waterfall deep into the forest to gather the river water in one bucket and any shiny goods in another." You would not believe the crap I go through, those dudes hung me by my legs overboard and waited until I gave it back to them!" Kokichi ranted, making Shuichi smile as they walked back towards the shore, where camp was set." It was your fault though..." Shuichi mentioned, stabilizing the bucket in his hands." Yeah but they didn't need to go that far just because I stole some flower pin!"

        "Shuichi-""Kokichi-" Two voices broke through the trees, but stopped abruptly, seeing the two laughing together. Kaito stood in front of them, and a blonde haired woman to their right." You.. you've befriended this... this cretin?!" The blonde yelled, and rushed back to shore." Wait, Miu, come back here you-" Kokichi shouted, beginning to run after her when Kaito grabbed his arm and flung him to the ground. Shuichi rushed forward and grabbed Kokichi just before he hit the ground." Kaito, what was that for?!" Shu demanded, helping the boy to his feet, the water bucket still on the dirt. "Yes, what was that for, male degenerate?! You all are the same, backstabbing idiots!" Tenko interrupted, her stance cold and unforgiving." Ouma, low blow, I thought you cared about us," a red head commented, fiddling with her hat. All at once, a chorus joined in, from both crews no less.
"How could you?"
"Do you two want to die?"
"Atua looks down on you!"
"I'm sorry Kokichi-Shuichi, you aren't apart of my crew anymore,"

      Both boys were equally shocked and distraught." But, wait! What do you mean?! I've... I' e been useful, right?! You can't, please!" Shuichi begged, nearly dropping to his knees. Kokichi grabbed his shirt, stopping him." You guys are still stuck with us though! We're shipwrecked!" He pointed out." What are you, an idiot?! Our ships got fixed while you were here fraternizing with the enemy!" Miu cackled, and almost at once, everyone turned and disappeared behind lush green trees." Kokichi... they were the only ones I had. What... what do we do now?" Shuichi whispered, holding himself back from bursting out into tears." We'll figure something out, we have to. We've survived this long, we'll last," Kokichi reassured. But all seemed hopeless, as the sun began to set and two ships set sail.
       Nothing was hopeless in the end, however. Kokichi stood at the helm of their ship, his eyes glued to the vast sea. Beside him, Shuichi stood, feeling more content than he ever could. Beneath their feet laid a wondrous beauty of a ship, crafted over the course of a year by two capable individuals, yet to be ridden into the wilds of the sea. Who could've known that it would be abandonment that'd lead them to everlasting happiness, in everything they had?

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