Confessions From a Criminal| KomaHina Oneshot

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Today was a day like any other. Hajime would come in and patrol the cells for about twenty minutes, checking for missing prisoners. He'd then go to his post in the maximum security prison, and be talked to by a messy person named Nagito Komaeda. Hajime tried to ignore him, reminding himself over and over of his crimes, but the boredom set in and they just kept on talking. There was no rule that said guards couldn't converse with the prisoners, so he wouldn't get in trouble for it, hopefully. That was what he told himself.

"Hajime, did you know I actually wanted to get in here?" Nagito said this particular day. Hajime raised an eyebrow, but still kept vigilant watch." Who would want to be a prisoner?" He said in response, twirling the weapon at his hip." Yeah! I guess I was a bit too pathetic, even for me. Someone would come for me if I got myself into here, meaning someone did care," Nagito admitted. Hajime tilted his head, and debated turning to face him." You've been here for a year now," he pointed out, his hand twitching." I'm still holding out hope. This is just a rough patch that will soon pass. It is why I killed him, after all!" Nagito said a bit too cheerfully.

"What?" Hajime was quite frankly amazed. For his year of being here, no one could get Komaeda to confess to the crime despite the amount of evidence against him. He kept saying," It wasn't really me." This statement confused Hajime for awhile, since it meant that there was a technicality somewhere. He'd spent about a week trying to decipher these words but gave up. Now, prison had perhaps worn him down, and Nagito just confessed to the crime." You... you're just admitting that? After all of the protesting?" Hinata asked, flabbergasted. He was having trouble keeping eyes on the door when something so interesting was occurring.

"What do you mean, protesting? I never denied it," Nagito said, his eyes flicking around like crazy. That got Hajime's attention quickly. He turned around, making sure to sneakily press record on his voice recorder. Komaeda didn't seem to notice as he rambled on, a wistful look on his face." I set up the murder, but I never did it. I put the bucket of bricks on the railing above her, and I tampered with the wheels on the dumpster. But it was luck that did the rest of it, not me. My luck pushed the dumpster in the way just in time, and my luck blew a wind, knocking the bucket off just in time. Now it is my luck that I am trapped inside of here, waiting until the day she comes back,"

Hajime stared unblinking for a moment, deeply concerned about Nagito. He always thought in his mind, and seeing a glimpse into a killer's was unique. But he wasn't turned off by the idea. Hajime shifted his chair to face Nagito, and asked him," Who is it you're looking for now?" He asked, quite intrigued by the mystery unfolding in front of him." The person I hate most," Nagito said simply." I can't fester hope without them," Hajime blinked in response." What do you mean by that? Why would you go so far to try to find her?" He inquired, interest piquing. Nagito smiled eerily," Because she always arrives." Hajime felt weird, and began to lean forward when he was hit across the back of the head with some sort of hammer.

As his vision faded in and out, he heard the clinking of keys and some banter between the two. His eyes closed only to open to Nagito kneeling next to him." I am doing this for your own good. We all deserve the taste of hope," he said proudly, beginning to stand up. There were footsteps, and Nagito's voice rang back to him," You were the best part of this prison, Hinata. The most interesting, too. Perhaps one day, you will become something big. Wear that title proudly."Hajime wanted to yell, to cry out to Nagito. But his strength left him, as a killer left him and the prison behind for good.

100 words less than average, no happy ending, bad writing! Yay!

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