Not You| Naegami Oneshot

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          Byakuya sent a glance across the table, searching the room for Makoto. He scoffed, seeing his seat empty and got up, making Toko hurriedly stand." Sit down if you know what's good for you," He snapped, feeling his worry spreading into his words." So, are we just not going to mention that Makoto's missing?" Yasuhiro asked, stabbing his omelette repeatedly." Yeah! I was wondering that too! It's not like him to miss breakfast," Aoi responded, looking thoughtful. Togami turned his head, and left. Why did he even come to breakfast that day anyways? He only wanted to see Makoto and being there was a waste of his time.

        A leathery hand grabbed his shoulder as he made his way to the library harshly, spinning him around. Byakuya stiffed as to keep his posture and sent a menacing glare into the face of Kyouko." What do you want, I'm busy," He said, brushing her hand off his shoulder and turning around." Have you seen Makoto? You know him best here," she asked, her eyes darting up to the camera and behind her, as if someone was watching her. Togami felt his stomach drop, but kept standing tall," Why would I care for Naegi at all? Stop wasting my time." Byakuya dismissed, walking into the library and closing the door. But it had sunken in, no one had seen Makoto this morning. What would that moron do in these situations? Think positively, and Byakuya was positively sure that Naegi was doing something absolutely stupid. So he trusted that Makoto didn't change overnight, and opened his book.

       Naegi didn't come around as the morning announcement came on. How dare that boy make him worry? He shouldn't have to worry, he was successful enough without having to care for him. Byakuya sighed in annoyance and poked his head out of the library. Everyone else was off doing something else, so it was perfectly safe to find Makoto without the others bothering him. He walked right to his dorm and knocked on it twice, crossing his arms and waiting. No answer. Togami took out his handbook and checked Naegi's location, which was in his dorm. Where else could he be?

       Byakuya walked off and checked around the first floor. He knew it was a waste of time, because it was verified that the handbook was in fact a reliable source. A thought hit him while he was searching the gymnasium. What if Makoto was ill? He shivered, unable to imagine the peppy boy unable to move. After searching the floor, he returned back to the door. Frustrating as it was, he knew with his own knowledge that Makoto was probably in his room. Byakuya grabbed the handle and knocked again. And the handle twisted. He stared at it in confusion. Ever since the first trial, the idiot always locked his door like they all should've. Togami opened the door and took a few steps inside, and immediately recoiled.

       Makoto laid in his bed, the survival knife given to him, embedded in his chest. Blood stained his blankets and trickled from his mouth.

        Byakuya laughed weakly," Funny joke, wake up Naegi." He said, feeling his hands shake as he approached the bedside." Hey, get up," He insisted, grabbing Makoto's hand. It was cold to the touch. Togami's eyes widened," Haha, you're hilarious Makoto, I'm right here, please wake up." He begged, grasping his cold hand with both of his." How'd you get your hands so cold? Come on, just... wake up,"

      "Makoto please wake up,"

       "This can't be happening, it can't be,"

       "Not you, please not you. Anybody else but you,"

      "Ding dong dong ding!"

       "Why you?"


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