Traitor For You| Saiouma Oneshot

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(Fantasy AU)

           A blonde girl stood, her sword slicing the tip of the ground." Step away from the bombs, Kokichi, and no one else has to get hurt," The musical girl demands, raising her sword to point it at the boy. This boy was previously hunched over a control panel in the midst of rolling fields. A control panel to the bombs in the prison." You're such a pain, you know that, Kaede?" Kokichi said, not even raising his head to acknowledge the girl. She glared at him and marched forward, only to stumble backwards as a grenade landed at her feet." I know how you fight, I'm the traitor from your group, remember?" Kokichi mockingly said, standing to his feet. Far off somewhere, bombs were going off.

       "Himiko and Rantaro are situated, they're going to stop your prison break," Kaede proclaimed boldly, hitting the grenade aside with her sword just as it blew up with a small puff of smoke. She raised the weapon and slashed at the purple haired boy, who nimbly bounced back, 'accidentally' bumping the control panel with his foot." Woah! You think this is my prison break? You must be dumber than you look! I'm clearly right here!" Kokichi teased, watching as the control panel tumbled down the hill and detonated, leaving a small hole." And I already accounted for your lackeys," Another slice barely caught the side of his cape." They are not my lackeys, they are my friends! They were your friends!" Kaede spat, lunging forward and slicing upwards.

       "And what did you do to friends?! You freed guilty prisoners who will continue to wreak havoc upon this town we just saved!" Kaede screamed, batting a grenade away with her sword. It blew up in a small burst a bit away, but she was too angry to notice how small the explosion was." I am freeing guilty prisoners because it helps your so called heroic cause!" Kokichi snapped, twirling his dagger in one hand to swiftly remove the pin from the grenades. These grenades, aimed to knock her upside the head and send her tumbling to the bottom, to awaken hours later. Against her sword, designed to kill, it seemed like a worthless tactic." Oh, so freeing prisoners THE MAYOR jailed is saving the town from the Sirens? For a second time, no less? I think not!" Kaede yelled, slicing upwards once more. This time, her sword cut his nose and ripped across his chest. He gasped in pain, but held true. She expertly switched the trajectory of her sword and slammed it down on the cap he was wearing, sending it flying to her feet.

       "Well, your evil antics didn't save Shuichi! Do you even care where he is? He's dead, because you betrayed us to the Sirens!" Kaede screamed, and scooped the hat up with hers sword." Why do you, the person who ended someone we all loved, deserve to wear his favorite clothing? You betrayed the group, you betrayed me, you betrayed him. You're nothing more than those bewitching Siren scum!" Kaede hissed, putting the hat on herself and aiming for the throat. And the blow connected. He didn't even twitch as the blade cut a thin line across his throat. Undeterred, Kaede stabbed for his arms, easily piercing it." What are you doing? Now you're feeling remorse, after showing your true colors as a traitor?"

         "I never told Shuichi before he died, he still thinks I'm trustworthy," Kokichi abruptly growls, and continues," He won't know until I can go up there and show him what I've become, and the only way to do that is to keep up these "evil" antics. Even at that, he'd still forgive me, and he shouldn't. I betrayed you all the the Sirens, didn't I? Didn't I?!" Kokichi screamed, and began to back up, down the hill. Somewhere up above, a pale faced being was watching in horror, for seeing someone lie so harshly about themself was damaging. This pale faced person knew he betrayed them to save them, but did anyone else know?" You should hate me, despise me! You should want to rip out my heart and tear me limb from limb!" Kokichi shouted, stopping at the sloping point of the hill. Why should Kaede care though? He was spouting delusional nonsense to justify his actions. She was here for one task, and one task alone. Kaede saw her shot, and took it.

       The end of a sword pierced through the skin, and burst through the stomach. The sword went deep, breaking out the other side. A blonde hair girl stood at the handle of this sword, and a purple haired boy the victim. He stared up in surprise, and a small sign of desperation crossed his face in these fleeting moments. He grabbed the sword with one hand, his hand being sliced by the blade. The purple haired boy reached up, but not for the blonde's face, or even to attack her. His sights were focused on the hat. Kokichi Ouma seized the hat and tore it from Kaede's head, and fell limb on her blade. The deceased Shuichi Saihara's hat laid in the newly dead Kokichi's hands.

       Kaede bowed her head, ripped the blade our and took the hat from his cold fingers. She had saved so many people today, she knew it. Shuichi would know it to. That's why she dawns his hat, because he wanted her to.

        "Recent prisoners revealed innocent, framed by Sirens! The prison break wasn't orchestrated by these prisoners, but an unknown being with half of a clown mask, and a black cap. One of the prisoners tells their story,

     'I was just farming when a bunch of guards marched past. I thought they were going to town when I heard screams from my house and rushed home. They arrested me for arson and treason, and set my death for 3 months in the future. We all hid after being corralled by the person, and I owe him my life,'

"Person matching the description of the prison breaker found dead in the fields, sword wounds present, the fatal blow being pierced through the stomach!"

"You... you did so good, Kichi. I'm so proud of you,"

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