Headcanon| Saiouma

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        Shuichi has figured out most of Kokichi's types of lies. He has fake lies, trick lies, direct lies, opposite lies.

Fake lies are the truth restated in a lying manner, which means people will be more inclined to believe the falsity because they'd think the truth was a lie. Kokichi uses this very rarely now, as it is one of the hardest for Shuichi to identify and he feels bad.

Trick lies are lies that are so absurd, but have some sense in them. Like," I saw a unicorn stab the killer but the killer had wings and blocked it." It's a very easy method for Shuichi to identify, and Kokichi has such an active imagination, it's amazing to see what he comes up with. Mostly, these types of lies are used to make others (specifically Shuichi) laugh.

Direct lies are just lies. They aren't the contrast to the truth, they're pretty far away from the truth actually. The kind of lie that's," He got stabbed." When in actuality, everyone knows he got poisoned. Since these types of lies have no real purpose, Kokichi has a habit of using these only to hide his emotions and not much else. Shuichi can ALWAYS see past these lies because Kichi's eyes are really expressive and Shu likes looking at his eyes.

Opposite lies are lies that contrast the truth." The sky is red," is an example of this. But, in a more extreme case, Kokichi uses these to lead others to a correct conclusion by using his bad reputation to lead them to the real answer." The victim couldn't defend themself," when in reality, the victim initiated the attack. Since these are Kokichi's go to technical lies, Shuichi recognizes them but does his very best not to interfere.

Shuichi has a very simplistic category of lying, and he is a surprisingly good liar too, though he hasn't mastered all these forms of lying yet. He always feels too bad to carry through with most of them.

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