The Gifted| Saiouma Oneshot

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        This world was split into two. The gifted and the averages. The averages could be anyone, even the prime minister. But the gifted were an entirely different story. They were born with a unique color of circle in their eye, and their hair often stuck up randomly. These were not the reasons they were gifted, but they were gifted for their ability to grant happiness. Wishes, is what this ability was dubbed though it isn't really a wish, it's a connection. The gifted are so valued that they all know each other, kept in the largest mansion with only supervised outings.

         Shuichi Saihara was one of the gifted. It wasn't as amazing as it sounds, being torn from a childhood in the arms of his mother. He's overhears multiple tales about his kind, that they sprouted from the earth or that their parents served the gods or something. Most of these, are false, because the only ability Shuichi has is apparently being so depressing that people vow to improve themselves to in the future help him. He doesn't mean to do this, but when it comes naturally there's not much else you can do. Currently, this gifted boy was sat in a small room, a back door and a front was settled with him.

       This happened every month, a day where everybody would gather into separate lines for specific gifted and try to get a Wish. From a young age, they were taught to only give Wishes to people that they've formed a bond with, that people will try to befriend you not because you are you but because you are gifted. And that thought terrified Shuichi to the point that he has rejected so many people, turning them away with the essence of a Wish. They all leave happy to even have the essence, and there  were so many people. This cycle repeated every month, and every month it seemed like more people would flood their city to get a Wish.

        Suddenly feeling claustrophobic, Shuichi gestured to the butterfly in the corner. A gesture which meant that he was taking his break. When thinking about it like that, it made him chuckle. This was no more than a job at this point. Shuichi turned the corner and observed the lines. He had seen them many times before, but they were organized chaos at its finest. At first, everyone gathers in the same line, all shoving and all trying to get to the front. Then, a ways down, the line splits and people choose which gifted they want to try to get a Wish from. Shuichi sighed, staring at the shuffle of the line when somethi- no, someone caught his eye.

       A boy, no older than him held locks of purple and bore eyes of violet. His skin, even from here looked smooth and silky, like a doll. Shuichi's heart began to beat so loudly that he nearly lost his hearing right there and then. The boy disappeared into the line but his afterimage lingered in Shuichi's mind. Then the crushing disappointment when he realized that boy would not be coming for him. He was much too weak, too sad, too unreliable. And furthermore, he was just aesthetically pleasing, Shuichi wasn't in love what so ever. Even if he keeps imagining how his fingers would run through the boys hair as they fold laundry. He was just simply entranced, not in love. Shuichi was snapped out of his daydream when the butterfly landed on his nose and he was forced to go back to his seat in the white box.

         Towns member after town member, Shuichi had one thing sticking to his mind. Where and why was that purple haired boy in the line for eternal happiness? The boy would surely go to Rantaro, the double imagery gifted. Most do. He was much more attractive than Shuichi could ever be. Or perhaps he would go to the Naegi boy, he had the strongest Wish of all. Even believing that Shuichi could ever see the purple haired boy ever again was stretching it. He was not attractive or remarkably powerful, even as a gifted, he was painfully average. It was a rational thought, Shuichi couldn't think any person as attracti- graceful as that would ever seek out his gift specifically.

        It was not long when the grasshoppers opened the front door once more. Shuichi was still entranced by his daydream that he barely noticed the presence. He didn't notice the squeak of chair legs against the ground as the boy sat down. It was only until he clued in that he realized the most beautiful boy was sitting in front of him. Not even Shuichi could deny it any longer, he had fallen for this boy the minute his eyes fell upon him." I would like-" The boy began, but scared to be used by such an attractive individual, Shuichi cut him off." Yes, a Wish, here you go, please leave," he ushered, taking a piece of thread and enchanting it with a Wish.

      But the purple haired boy did not move." It's not a wish I want, you idiot! I want you!" He exclaimed, grabbing Shuichi's hand boldly. As shocked as he becomes, Shu couldn't help but smile brightly as he overlapped his free hand over their inter joined ones." Why me, there are far more attractive gifted in the next buildings?" Shuichi asked, rising from his seat. Kokichi sighed and let go of Shuichi's hand and instead cupped his face." Because I don't care about your dumb gifted stuff, I wanna marry you!" The purple haired boy hopped up and headed for the backdoor. Shuichi resisted however, and gestured to the butterfly once more. The two left, hand in hand as an army of dragonflies flew down to Shuichi's line and ushered them away, because Shuichi had found eternal happiness. And him, and his eternal happiness walked into the rolling fields, content together.

Danganronpa Ship Headcanons/ OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz