Parental Approval| KomaHina Oneshot

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       Parental Homophobia Warning! Mentions of Foster;Adoption Process As Well!Read at your own discretion!

         Hajime loved Nagito. Not in that way, probably. He was his childhood friend, practically from birth. At the ripe age of six, Nagito was having a rather bad fit, so Hajime proposed a new accessory. He ran inside, trailing little footprints across the pristine floor and grabbed one of his mother's scarves. He rushed back out and ripped it in half, tying one half around his own forearm and the other around Nagito's." This is one big promise! We each have one, and when we've used up both of them, we'll tie our wrists together!" Hajime proclaimed, his six year old mind giddy with the thought of being by his best friend forever.

       That faded away when he turned ten. Hajime and Nagito still wore the scarves, but knew that thy wouldn't be tying themselves to each other. As they got older, the sentiment stayed the same. Nagito had moved his scarf to his arm, as he redeemed his promise. Hajime had yet to do that. Being teenagers/ almost adults, meant that the two were also exposed to more things. And they both said it had made their lives better, information. They learnt who they loved too, and couldn't be happier.

      Except Hajime could. Nagito was out to his parents, the ones who refused to pull the plug on him during a particularly bad fit, who had stayed by his side forever. They were overjoyed to hear about his undying love for the boy next door. Hajime was not so lucky. He had to lie. No, his parents weren't awful to him. They were the nicest people on the planet until it came to religion. Prominent news watchers, they were. And Hajime would watch them clutch each other as the color drained from their faces when the LGBT's protests came onto the news. Even when he was just introduced to the concept, his parents refused to tell him anything and forbade him from hanging out with Ibuki again.

       Today was particularly bad, as tonight was the day of the spirit ball. You haven't heard of it, Nagito and Hajime made it up when they were kids. It was a day of indulgence, of movies and board games, and dancing. They had their first kiss in the spirit ball. But Hajime wasn't allowed to go to these spirit balls anymore. His parents asked him to help around the house, making him work what would be a servant's job. Until night came, and he had missed the spirit ball entirely. Already tired, he was even more ticked when his parents called for a family dinner.

       "Hajime! Soon a dance is coming up, your mother and I met in that place, do you have a lady you want to wed yet?" His father inquired, his eyes sparkling with the idea of grandchildren." Uh, maybe," Hajime mumbled, sliding his spaghet around on his plate." Ooo! Tell me! What does she look like? What's her name?!" His mother excitedly asked, putting her cup down. It was time for his big mistake." Uh, he has bright blonde hair and his name is-" Hajime began, before noticing the horrified looks on his parents faces.

       "You- you mean she, right, Halo? Just a slip of the tongue," His father whispered, desperate. But his mother was hardened with belief and straightened her back." Yes, of course he meant she. No son of mine would even think about being one of them. If he is, then he isn't mine, he's one of the devil's," his mother said, looking him in the eye. And perhaps it was the pent up rage, the suppression, Hajime couldn't do anything else but yell. He yelled so loudly it shook the glass, and he was panting." So what if I'm devil touched?! So what if I'm gay? I'm still your son- I'm still human!" He had screamed out in an act of impulse.

        Now his father had no sympathy." Four hours, pack up and leave. You have tainted our home with the devil's eyes," he said threateningly. Hajime knew better to keep yelling, so he rushed up stairs and began to pack. Below, his parents were cradling each other in their arms, crying about how they failed as a parent. Being soft-hearted, perhaps Hajime might've convinced himself that his parents were good people if he saw the scene. But all he cared about was getting everything into bags and obeying his parents. That look of hatred and fear, something a child should never have directed at them, was something he now knew why he hated the thought of it. Hajime tossed the last bag, and didn't have to be told even once to know that he wasn't allowed back. He never would be.
       In the freezing cold rain, he traveled to the only other home he had. His shoulders sagged and his bags grew heavier every drop of water. Hajime raised his fist and dropped the door knocker down. His vision blurred from tears and cold. He felt a warm scent fill his nose and being pulled inside by two soft hands." What are you doing here, Hajime?" Nagito asked softly, lowering him onto the couch. "Can... can I redeem my promise?" Hajime whispered. Nagito nodded kindly, moving Hajime's scarf down to his arm. Unable to hold back, Hajime admitted his big mistake. Nagito chuckled, and took a seat as well." It's not your fault, Hajime, they were never good parents if they weren't willing to accept you. And you can stay here, mom and dad will love to have you around," Nagito reassured, making Hajime also smile.

        Like magic, his parents came in. The differences were clear, for these weren't Nagito's real parents, but they might as well be." Hajime's parents kicked him out," Nagito said quickly, preventing Hajime from having to explain it again. He then leaned over and whispered something into his father's ear. Nagito's father let out a horrified gasp and gently patted Hajime before leaving to the kitchen." Where are you going?" Hajime asked, pulling the blankets closer." Making a call, need to arrange your living situations," Nagito's mother said briskly, and they disappeared into the other room.

       And then oh so composed Hajime begins to sob. He cries, and cries, until he is hiccupy. The brunette leans over into Nagito's chest and cries more. And what was he suppose to do? Nagito had never once seen Hajime cry about one of his problems, so even seeing him cry was a surprise. He embraces the trembling boy and places a soft kiss a top of his head, watching as his sobs fade. And it stays that way, even once they've fallen asleep and awoken.
       "You'll be turning 17 soon, that means you can have your own place legally, so only six months you'll stay here!" Nagito's father cheered happily. Hajime beamed and got up, hugging the family tightly. Nagito's parents smiled and melted into the hug. He leaned over and snuck a kiss from Nagito, keeping his arms interlocked between the parents. And Hajime smiled again, leaning into the hug with everything he had. Because he didn't need much more than this. People who accepted him.

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