Vast Oceans Below| KomaHina Oneshot

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Warning|Drowning, author coming back again after too long

          Hajime's Perspective
          Hajime was always fond and confused by Nagito. Some days, he seems as human as them and others, it feels like there's a totally different person using his body. In reality, it's difficult for Hajime to adapt. Through all odds, he has, and he surprised even himself when he realized how well he adapted. There were so many little signals Hajime could spot. He could tell when Nagito was sad, angry, fearful, or joyful just by his body language. It came as no surprise to him when Hajime figured out one of Nagito's fears.

          Like a few others, their class had decided to take a school trip to the ocean resort. As any excited teen would do, Hajime quickly turned to Nagito with excitement." Hey, that's not a bad choice, did you vote for it too, Komaeda?" He asked, his excitement flooding out in his words despite him trying to be composed. A shocked expression crossed Hajime's face as Nagito was sat looking straight ahead, fists clenched on the desk as scenarios of all sorts flickered past his eyes." Komaeda," Hajime called to the spaced out boy, grabbing one of his hands. It was trembling, but with the amount of force Nagito was applying on the desk masked it well.

        "Sorry! I'm taking Komaeda to the nurses' office," Hajime said quickly, and pulled Nagito out of the classroom. They turned the corner, and Hajime turned around to face a misty eyed Nagito looking up at him." Ah...ahaha, I'm sorry you have to compensate for my irrational behavior, ultimates like-" Hajime placed a hand over Nagito's mouth quickly before he spiraled more." Are you scared of the ocean?" Hajime inquired, dropping his hand. It was the only explanation, as this didn't feel or seem like a medically induced fear." Wow! I'm surprised you...figured it out so quickly! I can swim, of course, I just..," Komaeda said, and gently leaned forward into Hajime." I'm terrified," he murmured.

           Hajime smiled, petting Nagito's hair," It's fine, I'll make sure you don't need to swim or go anywhere near the water until you're ready. It's not going to be fun if you're scared to enjoy the resort," He said reassuringly, and tugged Nagito's hand." Come on, let's go to the nurses' office anyways. I don't want to go back to class," Hajime continued. And for a moment, he felt Nagito clench his hand like it was the last thing he would ever hold.

         "Hajime, get over here! Water's nice, and the-!" Souda yelled from the ocean just as Hajime finished unrolling his towel onto the sand. He looked up to see Kazuichi flipped over, presumably by Fuyuhiko and let out a small chuckle." Watch my stuff, Komaeda," Hajime said in his normal voice. Nagito beamed, clearly glad to even be on this trip," Of course, Hinata-kun! Though my luck may not provide your items the best protection." Nagito shuffled so he was leaning against the cooler and gave a bright smile to Hajime." You'll be okay here, right?" Hajime asked, lowering his voice while bending over to take off his sandals." Yeah, don't worry about me, Hajime!"

       It was near impossible not to worry about Nagito, but Hajime rushed off into the water anyways. Everything was spectacular. A bright smile came and stuck on his face as everything happened in the waters. Then, a moment came." Yo, Hajime! Come here!" Akane called, and Hajime swam over. It was a bit weird, as they got a bit of distance away from the group. His eyes flickered towards the bottom, but he couldn't see a speck of sand, so he could only assume it was deep." What is it?" He asked, a bit nervously." Race me! First one to come back up after touching the bottom gets to use me as a pillow!" She said, a large grin crossing her face." What do you get out of it if you win then..- Wait! Akane I really can't," Hajime began, becoming more panicked." It'll be fine! I've seen you stay underwater for much longer! Nothing will happen, promise!" Akane reassured, and grabbed his shoulder." Alright, 3... 21go!"

       Hajime dove and swam as quickly as he could. The bottom was just in reach, it was so incredibly close. But bubbles were emitting from his mouth for an odd reason. And his vision went dark.

        Nagito's Perspective
         Worry only grew as Nagito saw Akane and Hajime dive. They were much further out than he would've liked. He was so sure the two had a plan, perhaps to swim back to the group underwater and scare them. His eyes widened in horror as a few minutes later, only Akane rose out of the water. Nagito couldn't hear her, but he could see. He could see her calling down for Hajime. He could see her face contort into worry, and then panic. His fears might have begun coming true. Hajime was going to die in the cold grasp of the blue waves, his lungs extinguished of all oxygen until he becomes a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean, never to be remembered.

         Nagito couldn't allow that to happen. Not to him. Anyone but Hajime. He braced himself, and dove into the deep waters. The class watched in awe as a bullet zipped past them, water splashing to the sides to make way for the boy. Just as Akane was about to dive again, she turned to look death in the eyes. Someone was hurtling towards her at break neck speeds, or it certainly felt like it. Nagito took a deep breath, and dove underneath the surface as soon as he reached Akane. He had never been this far out in the ocean, let alone this deep. He felt himself freeze up, but even his body knew that quitting would mean death. Like a miracle, Nagito spotted Hajime's body floating in the dark mass. He prayed, hoping his luck would bring him good favor as he seized the brunette by the waist and pulled with all his might.

        Nagito saw the glistening light from below just as his lungs began to tense, and soon his muscles followed. His hand broke the surface, and the two boys followed. Panic and worry soon set in as the class seemed to riot. The swim back to shore was less of a swim and more of a carried, as the class hurried to their sides. Nagito was panting desperately for air while Hajime had some quick CPR done to him. After awhile, the teachers cleared everyone out as to not overload the boys. Nagito clutched Hajime in his arms protectively , his head placed snuggly against his hair. He was paler than ever, cold, and it felt like he had just died and came back, but all that paled in comparison to the feeling of ensuring Hajime's survival.

          Then, Hajime woke up. The story unraveled in front of him and they wept in each other's arms for awhile. The weeping turned quiet as they both composed themselves just enough." How'd you overcome your fear..? You were... so adamant about it before," Hajime murmured quietly, his hand reaching down to grab Nagito's balled fist. Nagito gladly took Hajime's hand into his own as the sand beneath them began to feel like clouds." I didn't, Hinata-kun, I just... cared for you more than I feared for myself,"

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