The Difference Between Lights| KomaHina Oneshot

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So I had a neat idea for a oneshot that I was planning to do with KomaHina, but then my Saiouma mind decided nope, they'll take the oneshot and I have to make up a completely new idea and honestly, I'm not complaining.

       Nagito gazed out the window, staring as the clouded sky stretched beyond. Specks of starlight shone through the clouds before smoke would billow out of factories and conceal their light. He found himself thinking how pathetic stars must be,  before being suddenly hit with a flashlight." Ah, what was that for, Hajime?" Nagito asked, turning around. Hajime smiled," You're being sad again, we stole a "potion" from Monokuma and we're experimenting with it, come on!" He beckoned, grabbing Nagito's wrist and pulling him to the kitchen. Nekomaru burst past them, holding a pot with bubbling liquid," MOVE!" He screamed and dashed down the hall.

      "Brought him, can I go now?" Hajime asked, and Nagito noticed his hand still clamped to his wrist."Nuh uh, if I have to stay, you're staying too," Fuyuhiko said, a small smile spread across his cheeks as Peko split open weird concoctions." Ugh, fine. Nagito, come over here, I wanna make something explode," Hajime grumbled, despite the smile across his face." Oh, I excel at that," Nagito commented, beginning to slip his hand into Hajime's. What luck it was to have Hajime break the wrist hold just as Nagito did. No matter though, because the next few hours were amazing.

        Amazing until his luck decided to strike. Nagito knocked over a batch of the potion that was deep fried and was still bubbling, and it tipped right onto his bare skin. A hand flew up to cover the agonizing scream that came from his mouth, and he dropped to the ground as the potion crept its way into his already weak body." Crap, someone get Monomi! Focus, I'm right here, Nagito. We'll be fine! Damn it how could I forget your luck," Hajime was having a panic of his own as he took Nagito's jacket and tied it tightly around his wrist to block circulation.

       "Usami went outside, I can't see a thing!" Chiaki called from the front, and Hajime grabbed his flashlight from the counter. Nagito staggered to his feet and began dragging himself towards the front door, trying to catch up with the speedy brunette." Dude, what the hell are you doing?!" Souda cried, making a feeble attempt to grab Nagito back from the entrance." Do not step foot out there, Komaeda, or you will surely perish!" Sonia screamed, and Nagito felt the urge to listen. But everything was too late as he slipped into the dark night, following the streetlights.

       He spotted Hajime's flashlight in the distance, and Nagito continued to stumble in that general direction. There was chaos going on inside the house, but he was more worried about Hajime. Knowing his luck, now that Hajime is one of his loved ones, there's a much higher chance of death. Nagito's eyes widened as a beam of light shone directly onto him. For a moment, he thought a car was coming straight towards him. It was moving at a slow pace, but even a slow speed could kill him." What the hell are you doing out here?!" Hajime yelled, appearing as the flashlight and it's wielder came into view.

       "Don't you know? I came out here for you, Hinata-Kun!" Nagito tried to say cheerfully, but his voice sounded hoarse and raspy. Hajime paled, and placed a hand on Nagito's chest, feeling a heartbeat." Sorry, that was forward, uh... I saw Monomi close by, stay right there!" He cried, the embarrassment clear. The boy ran off, and Nagito extended a hand pathetically to where he once stood. He smiled and moved his hand to his heart. Someone so pointless and talentless was cared about by possibly the best person ever. Nagito was distracted for just a moment before he saw two flashlight beams shining at him.

       He was becoming dizzier by the moment. Nagito tried his best to straighten, waiting for Hajime and Monomi to burst out of the shadows. It took Nagito too long to notice the roar of the engine, the fast approaching lights, and the scream of Hajime. Nagito felt something impact him, and his whole body went completely numb. Blood covered every inch of pavement, as a speeding car fled the scene, leaving a body in its wake. Hajime ran into the road and collapsed next to the body of Nagito Komaeda , or the remains of him. The echoes of a scream subsided to sobs.
Morning came, a group of 14, all greatly confused. They spread out, and found the bodies of two. One, Nagito Komaeda, hit by a car and greatly poisoned. The other, Hajime Hinata, annihilated by a truck in an act of misery.

And no murderer in sight.

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