Displeasant Flavors| Naegami Oneshot

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My screwed up sleep deprived brain demands soft angst for Naegami. It's not even real angst it's just a cop out, you suck present me. Okay it isn't even soft angst it's just soft with some dark bits, nice going me. Also I keep spelling Naegami Nawgami by accident and it sounds like I'm condemning Byakuya-"Naw, Gami, you're over," and it's amazing

          Makoto is one of the nicest people you could ever set eyes upon. No one, and I mean no one could ever say this dude was unfair, or horrible. Because it'd be just lies. Except that, someone can. Someone who Makoto once completely trusted before he learnt what she had done to her own sister. He couldn't associate with someone who felt no love, who constantly beat down on their own family. But, they associate with him. Through awful means. His phone was on silent every hour, he had his roommate Kyoko filter through the mail, and he had every account blocked. Who else could this magnificent darling of a women be but Junko Enoshima, the woman who sent her own sister to the hospital for entertainment

        Now despite the constant harassment, Makoto was extremely happy. He had a "tolerating" boyfriend who only used the word love when he was feeling mushy, and his sister is still an inch shorter than him. His classmates are successful and bright, and Yasuhiro called off the attack on his organs! It was a good life for Makoto Naegi, as long as he didn't ever pick up his phone for anything. Sure it was a hindrance, but if he checked his messages, he'd worry everyone else and they'd want to report her to the police and all of that for him. Byakuya especially couldn't get ahold of the harassment, because when the boy gets mad, he gets mad. Surprisingly enough to Makoto, he never gets mad at him.

        "Naegi, take your ice cream," Byakuya said, shoving the cone underneath his nose." Ah- wait I didn't pay for mine yet!" Makoto realized as they sat down underneath an umbrella table. He always found those fascinating, while Byakuya found them filthy and revolting." Don't bother, I paid," Togami said, taking a seat and taking a bite out of his ice cream like a lunatic. He scrunched up his face, presumably from the cold that surrounded his lower lip." Byakuya- how could you even think to eat ice cream like that! I know this isn't where you normally eat but..." Makoto trailed off, already feeling bad about scolding him. Byakuya huffed and continued taking bites out of his ice cream, probably to spite Makoto.

      Naegi was focused on something else though. Someone else. A woman to be exact, with a black and white bear hanging from one hand. Junko Enoshima made eye contact with Makoto and waved eagerly before he could turn away. And that, that sentiment scared him more than ever." Naegi, were you even payin attention?" Byakuya snapped, bringing Makoto back to the date at hand." Ahaha, sorry, I got distracted, what were you saying?" Naegi asked, but fiddled with his zipper as he saw Junko move closer with his peripheral vision. He discreetly watched as she sat down at the table behind Byakuya, so he immediately looked at the table." Unbelievable, if you feel that embarrassed about it, I'll just get us napkins,"

         Togami left to head inside, and left Makoto alone. Words could not describe how terrified he was. But, all the hardships had taught him to stay positive. Maybe it was all just a coinci-" Makoto, how do you do?" Junko sneered, holding rather close a red-colored vanilla ice cream advertised as cherry. He leaned back, suddenly very aware of his allergy to red food coloring and all the escape routes." F-fine, if you excuse me, my boyfriend is waiting for me," Makoto stuttered out, sitting up when his cone was ripped from his hand. He started forward before a new cone was shoved into his hand, the red-dyed cone." Oh, you'll eat it, right? He paid for it, after all and you wouldn't want to disappoint him," Junko teased, bopping him on the nose with a freakishly long nail and walking off to a different table.

         Byakuya returned soon after, but he seemed unaware of the events that just transpired. Makoto hoped it could stay that way," Anything scandalous happen in there?" He prompted, shakily taking a lick into the ice cream. His body began to shake and screamed at him, but he kept smiling as Byakuya began to rant about the commoners. After all, if Byakuya notices him throwing away the ice cream, what if he feels betrayed because he never pays for other peoples food? Makoto opened his mouth to respond but his throat felt dry, so he just nodded." This woma- Naegi what are you eating?" Byakuya suddenly asked, startling Makoto.

       He lowered his hand under the table, and in his newly hoarse voice," Just the icecre-" Or, he began to say before breaking off into a coughing fit from exerting his throat. Byakuya looked horrified and gently grabbed Makoto's hand, taking the ice cream from him. He stared at it in shock and stood up abruptly," We have to get you to my doctor." Naegi quickly straightened up and waved his hands in a,"no it's ok" motion before being yanked up." This is anything but okay, Makoto, you could die from this, now come on," Togami insisted, grabbing the brunette's wrist softly and pulling him off the patio.

       Junko suddenly blocked the way though, her eyes reddened and fuming." Move," Byakuya nearly yelled, trying to force his way past. He was very shocked when Junko began to yell at Makoto, and seeing the usually composed boy shrink away from her." Look at you, so pathetic, can't you even eat ice cream bought by your date. Now he has to pay for a doctor because you decided to make a scene about being allergic. What an ungratefu-" The next thing shocked Makoto more than anyone else, really. Because Byakuya straightened up and in his calm, professional tone grabbed Junko's tie and yanked her forward.

        "You worm, have no right to talk to him like that, especially when he is the heir's boyfriend. A commoner like you wouldn't be able to even comprehend how much money I will bleed you dry of, because I win every case. You will die on the streets-" Makoto suddenly yanked his hand back, and Byakuya backed down, shoving Junko to the side. She nearly toppled over the railing as they rushed past, Makoto's eyes watering. Togami, feeling his weakness, scooped Makoto up and kept speed walking." I- didn't think you'd eve- mad for me-" Naegi coughed somewhat coherently as they turned to the nearest mansion. Byakuya glanced away, almost shyly," You are my boyfriend, I could never leave you fighting like that because you can lose an argument, and you usually do," He reasoned, and Makoto couldn't help but smile through the pain.

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