Messy Eatings| Saiouma Oneshot

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         two more, and I'm already craving death. Not like death to me, I just want to kill a fictional character or seriously maim them. You're welcome future you, past you is suffering because she wants to read cute/ somewhat spicy things in the future.

           Shuichi nudged his hat to the side a bit more, writing in his notebook. The outcomes were endless for each gift he could buy. Like, if he bought flowers, Kokichi might not care for them and then Shuichi might get mad and they might break up. Or Kokichi will find it boring and useless and throw his gift away. Or Shuichi would get something Kichi's allergic to. A card was completely out of the question, as well as anything homemade. Being a detective in a school where drama happens everyday restricts his ability to create anything good. An idea popped into his head- What if he bought an appliance? That'd be useful, but not really romantic. Shuichi groaned in frustration and flicked through the recent pages, trying to find the gift with the most positive outcomes. His finger trailed down the page and landed on the gift, and Shu couldn't help but think the worst.

        The worst that was probably going to come did not succeed over Shuichi's crippling fear of not getting someone a gift. He had personalized the heart box with purple ribbon, and thread blue string on the inside of the bow's loops. Even if Kokichi didn't like the gift inside, the box might still be usable. He sat down on the bench, underneath the trees shade and waited for his boyfriend to come. Shu then noticed the shadow peeking out of one of the branches and snapped his head back down, pretending to be unaware. He heard Kokichi accidentally rattle a leaf or two as he slid down the trunk.

         "cRiPpLiNg StUdEnT dEBt~," Kokichi whispered eerily, sending a chill down Shuichi's spine. Shu looked up and smiled, shuffling over to allow for Kichi to sit down. Immediately, Kokichi reached into his bag and pulled out an ornate box, golding trimmings and fancy designs. Shuichi looked down at his gift and nearly cried, realizing how much more money and work Kokichi put into his gift. Reading his expressions, Kokichi smiled and thrust the box into his hands," Relax you, a gift's a gift, especially if it's from my beloved!" He reassured brattily, making it clear that Kokichi was unwilling to lie today.

         His hand hovered over the lid before pulling it back and revealing pitch black inside. It felt like staring into a hole, and Shuichi only realized the gift when the sun glinted off of it. He pulled it out and gawked in amazement. In his hand was a model fountain, one that spilled silvery liquid and pieces of the heart statue on top of the fountain littered the water beneath." I- thank you so much Kichi," Shuichi whispered breathlessly, turning the small fountain in his palms. He hugged it close and tucked it back in the box, and tucked the box into his bag for safe keeping. Still entranced by the gift, Shuichi handed over his own gift to Kokichi without a second thought. It was only when he opened it Shu spoke up.

       "Wait- It's not as good as yours, I'm so sorry," Shuichi sputtered, blinded by his own disappointment that he reflected on Kokichi's face. But Kokichi was ecstatic, for he had never gotten such a gift in his life." Oh shuddup, we're finishing all of these today!" Kichi declared cheerfully, taking off the first level and giving the second to Shuichi, who was still in shock." Y-You aren't mad? But my gift was so awful, and cliche, and predictable!" Shuichi protested, his disappointment and guilt weighing in heavily. Kokichi let out a childish laugh," Shuichi, who could get mad at chocolates? Now eat, my dear Shumai!"

       And so they did. They ate and ate, laughing and teasing through the whole journey. It was only halfway when a surprising event occurred. Shuichi hadn't realized what was happened, seeing Kokichi talking brightly. It came as a complete shock when the purple haired biy leaned forward gently and licked the top of Shuichi's lip. "A-Ah! Kokichi- Wha- Whe?" Shuichi sputtered out as he drew a bit away. Even more confusing, Kokichi leaned back and kept eating despite Shuichi's flabbergasted face." Huh? You had chocolate on your lip, and our teachers would condemn us for wasting food," Kokichi said, winking at Shu.

        Maybe it was that wink that set Shuichi off, or the building confidence over the course of their relationship that made him do what he did next. The blue haired boy, timid as a bunny leaned forward, shortening the gap between the two oddly colored boys. He leaned forward and interlocked their lips, and did something they had never done before. Shuichi slipped his tongue into Kokichi's mouth, just for a moment and pure euphoria filled his body. They pulled each other closer, and finally Shuichi broke away grinning with triumph. Kokichi seemed more surprised than ever, staring at Shuichi as he began to pack up." W-Huh?" The boy tried to ask, and Shuichi smiled at him as he stood." You had chocolate on your tongue, and since you licked my lip, I thought I'd lick your tongue. Fair trade, I'd say. Love you, Ouma," Shuichi proclaimed confidently and marched off, not allowing Kokichi to see his face of burning red and hot triumph.

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