Overworked| Saiouma Oneshot

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      Unsurprisingly, Shuichi was pouring over his studies. The bell had long since rung, and the librarian kept giving him dirty looks every time they passed by. But the thought of failing, especially in this prestigious school bothered him more than losing hours of sleep. His phone vibrated periodically, but he couldn't tell if it was part of his vision blur or actual notifications. The test felt like it was fast approaching, and the clock looked like it was moving backwards. Perhaps a bit unrationally, Shuichi chalked his tiredness up to being confused about the subjects he was studying.

       "Shuichi! The librarian wanted me to tell you to leave," A familiar voice called out to him. Shuichi raised his head, brushing his bangs out of his eyes to see Kaede walking over to him, a cross-armed librarian behind her.

       "Oh, hi Kaede. Why are you here?" He asked, trying to desperately keep his eyes off of the librarian as to not stress him out more.

     "Uh, you asked me to pick you up-" Kaede pulled out her phone," 30 minutes ago. I'm actually really late, I brought you Monokuma Fast food as an apology too." She answered, confusion plastered all over her face.

      Shuichi stared blankly at her for a solid few seconds before frantically grabbing his phone to check for himself. He had to type in his password thrice before confirming that 30 minutes ago, he did in fact ask her for a ride back to the dorms. He let out a groan, and pocketed his phone before turning back to her." I am so sorry Kaede, uh, I'm actually in the middle of going over my Crusades notes. Maybe give the fast food to Kaito?" He bowed his head apologetically before turning back to the table, ignoring the loud grumble from the librarian who no doubt wanted him to leave." I'll make it up to you later, I promise,"

     Kaede, no doubt, was frowning." Kirumi is in my car, Shuichi. You look exhausted and barely touched your lunch. I will get her to drag you home if needed, so come on!" She proclaimed, boldly walking over to the table and closing his notebook, tossing it on the pile with the others. She slid the notebooks into his backpack, much to Shuichi's dismay. He didn't even remember what he was reading, let alone where he left off before she closed it. Seeing no other choice and really not wanting to be slung over Kirumi's shoulder like a bag of potatoes, Shuichi stood up and immediately felt the force of a thousand seas slam into him.

      "Shuichi! Oh my god, you look exhausted! Here- lean on my shoulder," Kaede panicked, throwing his backpack over her shoulder and offering her shoulder. Shuichi gave her a smile, but began to walk towards the exit, leaning against the bookshelves the whole way down.

    "Kaede, its been ages! Saihara-chan isn't that stubborn tha-..." A purple haired boy ran into the library, yelling the whole way before skidding to a halt in front of Shuichi as he turned the corner. Kokichi was staring up at him, eyes wide. He opened his mouth, pausing before quickly getting his pep back." Oh man, Shu! You look like absolute trash! You better not pass out in the middle of the common room, or Kaito's gonna run over you!" Kokichi teased, slyly pulling Shuichi's arm over his shoulder as they walked towards the exit.

      Shuichi found himself using Kokichi as a support, despite him actively trying to stand on his own. He kept his eyes down, as to not give away his embarrassment." I won't, I won't. Kaito's smarter than that, anyways. What are you doing here, though? I understand Kirumi but..." He reassured, trying to hide his obvious confusion.

      "Hey! I'm your roommate, we sleep in the same bed! Can't I be worried about your well being?" Kokichi whined, a little louder than necessary. Tears began to stream down his face and he was seconds from bursting out screaming before Kaede rushed up behind them.

     "I'm finished cleaning up! Kokichi, I told you to stay in the car! Why are you telling Shuichi about how you sleep in the same bed, anyways? You told us in the car already," She called, rushing up to Kokichi's side, Shuichi's backpack sat firmly on her shoulders. Kaede walked forward, holding the door open as the two stumbled into the cold air.

       "Wh-huh? Sorry?" Shuichi raised his head, completely thrown off by their words. His brain wasn't moving fast enough, and he swore that he could see everything he studied flying away in the wind. He had to pause to remember if Kokichi and him shared a bed or not, before quickly remembering that they slept in completely different rooms and had no reason to, much to Shuichi's disappointment. Kaede opened the car door for them before rushing to the front passenger seat, giving Kirumi a kiss and Kokichi sat them down in the back." Thanks for the ride, you guys," He thanked, and sat down in the back seat with Kokichi.

    Perhaps it was pure exhaustion, or instinct, but even though he didn't have to, Shuichi found himself leaning against Kokichi even during the car ride. Kirumi and Kaede's banter  faded away as Kokichi's hand gently gripped his, nearly lulling him into sleep. The rest of the car ride went by just like that, and Kichi's touch was the only thing that kept him from falling asleep right there in the car. Even as they walked into the building and waved goodbye to the others, Shuichi couldn't focus on anything else but Kokichi.

      "You're such a nerd, Shumai! I can't believe you left me for so long to study for tests that come in a week!" Kokichi cried, snapping Shuichi back to his senses as they entered the darkened bedroom.

      "Sorry..." Shuichi mumbled, tiredly walking towards his bed. It had felt like forever since he stepped foot in the room, and it felt almost foreign to him. He quickly realized that he had not let go of Kokichi's hand, and decided that though sleep-deprived, he was conscious enough to not let go." Thanks for coming," Shuichi gave Kokichi a tired smile before laying down in bed, loosening his grip on Kichi's hand.

     To Shuichi's surprise, instead of leaving and letting him sleep, Kokichi held on tighter." Hey, you're not getting rid of me that easily!" He said, jumping on the bed and placing himself firmly against Shu's chest." Stop shaking and go to bed, you insomniac," He continued, his voice significantly softer, throwing the blankets over their bodies and curling up under the covers. Shuichi couldn't help but smile and wrapped his arms around Kokichi, pressing his head against Kichi's neck. His eyes closed and for the first time in days, and it was the best sleep he had in ages- perhaps ever.

       As he fell asleep, Shuichi heard Kokichi murmur a quiet," Goodnight," before his breathing slowed. And just perhaps, if every break was like this, then Shuichi wouldn't mind doing it every day.

'Ello, I'm back. I had 2k notifications which is INSANE and I know this one shot dragged on a bit, so I'm sorry about that! I missed you guys a lot, and probably will miss you more as I go back on hiatus so... <3


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