Chapter 31

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Morgan woke up and got ready for the day. It was the baby shower and she was excited. She bought so much stuff for the baby and she even did a portrait for Tasia.

Even though her and Miles weren't talking, she couldn't lie to herself and she wasn't missing him. Lately when he'd come over she'd leave the house and go down by the river til she felt like he was gone. She would stay as long as 2 in the morning.

"Morgan, are you ready" Tasia asked as he walked out the room.

She was dressed in a baby blue dress and her curls down her back. She looked beautiful. Her nails and toes were baby blue.

"You look pretty Tasia" she said smiling at her.

"Thanks. I love your outfit" she said to Morgan.

"Thank you, you ready" Morgan asked and she shrugged.

"Ben is picking me up so you can take my car" she said handing her the keys.

"Ok... I'll see you there" she said grabbing the keys grabbing her bag.

"Ok" she said as she turned walking back in the room.

Morgan walked out the apartment and down the stairs. She seen Miles standing outside of his car smoking a blunt and on the phone. He wasn't paying any attention so she quickly walked to Tasia car and got in.

Even though she thought Miles didn't see her, he seen her. Of course he did, he was standing outside to see how she was getting there just in case he needed to take her. Once he seen her pull out and pull off he put his blunt out and get in the car.

"Ma I'm boutta go to the baby shower I'll head over there afterwards." He said as she got in the car starting it.

"Alright baby, don't forget to give them my gift and tell my baby Morgan I said hey" she said being petty, she knew the two had been avoiding each other.

"Ma you know we ain't talking" he said as he pulled out the parking lot.

"Yea whatever you better tell her what I said" she said before hanging up the phone.

Miles headed to the baby shower down at the park. Once he arrived he noticed Morgan still sitting in the car on her phone. He cut his car off as he got out and walked over to the car. He got in and Morgan looked over at him.

"Josh let me call you back" she said scratching her head a lil bit, Miles just stared at her.

"Alright I'll see you when you get here" she said pulling the phone from her ear hanging up.

"You gotta new nigga on me already" he asked her and she sigh locking her phone.

"What you want Miles" she asked as she grabbed her bag out the backseat.

"My momma said hey" he said and Morgan smacked teeth before smiling.

"Miles you came over here just to tell me your momma said hey" she asked turning the car off opening her door.

"Yea" he said as he got out the car and walked around meeting her as she got out closing the door.

"Ok, well tell her I said hey" she said locking the doors before walking off.

"Yo when you was gone tell me you could drive" he asked her and she shrugged.

"I don't know, you never asked" she said as they walked side by side.

"Smart mouth Morgan, ok." he scoffed at the end.

"Hey Morgan" James, Tasia brother walked over.

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