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It was Friday night, Morgan didn't attend school and wasn't answering her phone. Morgan laid asleep in her bed. She had her room door locked and was completely out. She was a soft sleeper but she didn't hear her door being picked. Once they opened the door they closed it behind themselves.

She felt a cold hand of punch's straight to the face. She couldn't yell cause she quickly blocked her face as they moved from her face to her body. It felt like a million of hits a one time. She started crying, after they heard one of her bone crack they stopped.

"Time for part two" she heard a mans voice. She heard two people unbuckling there belt. She only had on a big tee shirt on some shorts.

"Oh god" she mumbled as she felt blood coming from her lip and nose.

"Did boss say we was suppose to rape her" one asked as he grabbed his partner arm.

While they talked that gave her as much strength as she could. As one of the both of them crawled in her bed one climbed on top of her.

As soon as he was there she kneed him in the balls, grabbing her needle she had off her nightstand sticking the other one somewhere. They both fell on the floor and she hopped up opening her window. Even though she was two stories up she had no choice but to jump.

Once she jumped down, she heard her wrist crack as she landed on it and broken finger that wasn't wrapped. She took off running ignoring the pains she had felt all over her body. Running as fast as she could she knew she couldn't make it to Tasia house.

Do to the fact it was 3 in the morning, everybody was sleep. She didn't look back not once as she ran. Once she thought she got far enough, she couldn't run nomore, she felt dizzy, and tired. She sat on the corner of the street with her head in her knees. She cried her eyes out.

As Miles walked out his mother house he is very tired. He had ended up watching Junior for the night since Mikaya was off with her fathers side of the family. His mom had just got home so he decided it was time for him to head home.

He rubbed his eye as he walked towards his car that was sitting in the driveway. He noticed a girl sitting on the sidewalk infront of his mom house. Thinking she was sleeping, he knew his momma didn't allow people sleeping on her property. He walked down to where the figure was.

"Excuse Me" he said, she looked up and seen the two figures running her way. Getting up she was about to take off but ran into Rj chest. He stood confused until he realized it was Mo.

"Morgan" He said causing her to look up at him with fear.

"I gotta go" she said as she looked back to see them far behind but they were still running.

He looked up to see them running also. He looked down at her as she try's to run around him. He grabbed her quickly causing her to look up at him.

"Miles please" she plead as the dudes still ran her way.

"They gone kill me you have to let me go" she said trying to move his big hands from around her forearm.

"Morgan listen to me, I got this" he said and she shook her head no as her eyes watered again.

"Oh my god" she said as she looked back to see them getting closer.

"Lets go" he said grabbing her broken wrist causing her to whimper and hiss. He pulled her up the driveway and opened the driver side door for her.

"Sshhh" He said as she began to cry harder as she got in. He rushed to his side starting the car.

He sped out the driveway, before the boys could get any closer. As they pulled off the dudes stopped a mile back. They didn't have good vision at which way she went. From what they seen, she stopped at a corner, but it was so many streets they didn't know which one.

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