Chapter 26

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Morgan was home packing her things. It was Friday and she got released today. Tasia was over helping her pack and crying in the mix of it all. Morgan had been hugging her all day, she couldn't stop crying.

Morgan was the peanut butter to her jelly, the Gina to her Pam, and the Marly to her Mike. She couldn't believe there was nothing she could do to stop Morgan. She knew it would be best for her but it was hard.

"Morgan are you coming to the baby shower" Tasia asked as she walked in the room to see Morgan stuff in the trash.

"Yes Tasia, I've answered that question a million times" Morgan said with a small chuckle.

"Do you really have to leave" Tasia asked once again.

"Yes Tasia" Morgan said already walking over to hug her.

"Bu I don't want you to" Tasia began to cry and Morgan hugged her.

"I'm sorry" Morgan said as she rubbed her back, this had been a routine since this morning.

"These fuck ass hormones keep making me cry" she said and Morgan nodded.

"Tasia what time did Ben say he was picking you up" Morgan asked as she heard a horn blowing.

"Eight, why" She asked and Morgan walked over to the window to see him outside.

"He's outside" Morgan said and Tasia sigh.

"He better have my food, got me pregnant, hungry, and crying" She said grabbing her pursue and Morgan chuckled.

"I love you Mo" Tasia said hugging her again.

"I love you too, keep my nephew safe please" Morgan said pulling back from the hug.

"Girl imma miss you so much" Tasia said and Morgan wiped her tears.

"FaceTime Tasia, FaceTime" Morgan told her and Tasia hugged her again.

"I'll see you tomorrow before you leave" Tasia told her and Ben blew the horn again.

"Ok, I love you be safe" Morgan told her and she kissed her cheek before leaving.

"I love too Mo, see you later" She said as she walked down the stairs leaving.

Morgan heard the door close and sigh. Her room was done. All she had to do was pack up her painting materials. She sigh as she grabbed her crutches walking over to the area.

As she began to sit on the floor and pack her painting materials she looked up to see Miles walking in.

"Miles.... how did you get in" Morgan asked and he walked over and sat down infront of her.

"Morgan, talk to me please" he said and she looked over at him.

"What's on your mind Miles" she said as she put her paintbrushes in the box.

"How you doing" he asked her and she sigh.

"I'm ok, healing" she told him and he grabbed her arm turning her to him so he could have her full attention.

"Babygirl don't leave please" he looked her dead in her eyes.

"Miles I'm sorry but I've already made my decision" she told him as she dropped her head.

"Morgan I love you girl, I swear on my sister grave. Every time you feel down I make you smile and when you do you light up my day, no matter what you go through your smile and presences makes me happy" he told her and she just kept her eyes on the ground.

"Miles as much you think I don't appreciate you I do, I'm sure if it wasn't for you I'd be in my grave right now. I'm so sorry I didn't get to tell you but at least you know now, I took the bullet for you Miles I tend to let my actions speak more than my words but I took the bullet .... because I love you Miles" she told him as she looked up and looked him in the eyes.

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