Chapter 19

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Morgan woke up and showered to head out for work. She was now homeschooled since her mom didn't want her in public school. She was already ahead of what she was learning so she had no choice but to get a job to keep herself busy.

It was Saturday and she was working a double. She hardly seen Miles because she was always at work and he was at school. He honestly didn't know Morgan had a job and she wasn't gone tell him.

"Yo Morgan" she heard his name as he walked in the house.

"Ain't you suppose to be at school" she asked as he walked in her room.

"Yea I am but I had to come by here to ask you did you wanna go out and eat to- where you going" He stood smiling in his phone talking before looking up at her.

"to work" she said as she walked over to her bookbag unzipping it.

"Morgan I told you, you don't need no job" he told her as he locked his phone putting it in his pocket.

"Yea I know, bu- damn that hurts" she said as she turned and felt a deep sharp pain coming from her shot wound.

"You alright" Miles concerned voice said as he walked over standing infront of her.

"Umm...fine I just need to sit down" she said as she carefully sat down on the bed taking a deep breath.

"Morgan tell me what's wrong" he told her and she nodded sitting up.

"I'm good.... here you go" she said handing him four hundred dollars.

"Morgan what is this" he asked looking at the money she held towards him.

"Take it" she said holding back her expression, her wound was giving her horrible pain.

"No... I don't want that" he said backing up  and she took another deep breath.

"Miles please... come on now I'm in pain" she said and he grabbed the money throwing it on her dresser walking up to her.

"Morgan what's wrong." He asked completely concerned about her.

"I'm fine... just catching my breath" she said taking deep breath, she was starting to calm down.

"Wanna go to the doctor" he asked and he was so concerned.

"Mother Nature" she lied and he sigh in relief.

"Ok... well I'll go to the store and get you some ibuprofen and whatever else you want" he told her and she nodded pushing him back standing up.

"I'm fine... I have to go to work. I'll get off at ten maybe ten thirty depends. See you later" she said grabbing her bag walking around him going out her room.

"How you getting to work. Want me to take y-" miles asked turning following her.

"The bus. You have my location if you wanna know where I'm at, see you later" she said as she unlocked the door walking out and closing it.

"Something about her makes me think she's lying to me" he said to hisself before walking off to the kitchen.

Morgan walked into Footlocker holding her  side in pain. She didn't know what was wrong but she felt dizzy and lightheaded. She could hardly breath but she was still going to work.

"Morning Josh" she greeted Joshua as she walked in.

Recently he had got hired at the same job as Morgan. Morgan trained him and they had a great friendship. They decided to keep it that way because Morgan told him she didn't want no trouble or feelings for anyone.

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