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"Morgan are you riding with me this morning" Nia asked as I stood in the bathroom putting bobby pins in my bun.

"Umm no thanks" I said looking at her and she nodded.

"You might wanna put some makeup on that bruise right there" she pointed at the bruise my dad left on my face.

"Thanks" I said and she walked away with her head down.

I sigh as I grabbed my make up bag. I don't even wear makeup but now I have to wear it almost everyday.

"This is so stupid" I said to myself as I slowly but makeup on the stinging bruise.

Once I got that done I walked out the bathroom back to my room. I couldn't see because my glasses was broke due to him slapping them off my face. Not only that, my ankle was hurting and it had a huge bruise on it also. My head was hurting also.

"Morgan here your money for lunch" my mom said as she walked in my room. I looked up squinting my eyes.

"Thank you" I said grabbing it out her hand putting it in my back pocket.

"Where are you glasses hunny?" She asked and I sigh. I wanted so bad to tell her but I couldn't and that's what hurt me the most.

"They broke"  I said limping towards my bookbag that sat on the floor.

"Mo this is the third time they broke I don't see why" she said with concern and I sigh.

"I stepped on them this morning when I woke up" I lied and she looked at me so confused.

"So why are you limping" she asked me and as I put my bookbag on my shoulder.

"Mom can you stop asking me questions, I'll be fine" I said because I didn't have anymore lies to tell.

"Fine then, hope you have a good day at school" she said and I nodded as I rushed passed her on a hurt ankle and everything.

I grabbed a apple as I walked out the door. I started my walk to school. Tasia doesn't walk with me in the morning so I was loner. I grabbed my headphones out the side of my bookbag and picked a random song out my playlist. Teachme by Musiq Soulchild started playing. I hummed to the song as I limped to school enjoying my apple.

Once I arrive to school I was already ready to go. As I walked through the parking lot boys stood outside the school selling drugs, girls looked at them like snacks while they did it etc. That was usual though. Being a senior was taking forever because I was so ready to graduate and go to college.

"Hey Mo" Tasia said as I headed towards my locker.

"Hey Tasia" I smiled at her as we approached our locker.

"You look tired and where is your glasses" she said and I sigh as I put my combination in.

"Trust me I am and they broke again" I looked at her before opening my locker.

"It happened again" she asked me.

"Yep" I said and she sigh. She was the only one other than my abuser that knew what happened to me when I go home.

"You should spend the night with me tonight" she said and I shook my head no.

"No Tasia it's Thursday" I told her as I got my books out my locker.

"So, I'm tired of you coming to school with bruises and shit" she said lowly as she closed her locker.

"I'll be fine" I told her and she sigh.

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