Chapter 34

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Tonight was game night and everybody was coming over to Tasia and Ben's house. Morgan wasn't there yet, but Xavier and his girlfriend was there, their homeboy Germany and Jeremiah, and Andrea sister Sydney, Andrea and Miles was also there.

"What we waiting on" Xavier asked as he sip his cup of Hennessy.

"Mo.. Chile she talking about she tired but she coming" Tasia said as she sat beside her sister, Nikki who was also there.

"Hmm... I wonder why" Ben said and Miles smirked to hisself.

"She was out with Josh" Tasia said and Miles raised his eyebrows as he ran he hand down his mouth.

"There she go" Tasia said as the door opened and Morgan walked in.

"Hey y'all" Morgan said as she walked in and Josh walked in behind her, Miles sigh.

"Hey Josh" Tasia said as he closed the door.

"Sup" he said as he sat on the beanbag.

"Wassup Mo" Jeremiah said and she waved sitting down on the beanbag beside Josh, she was exhausted.

"Well now that everyone is here our first game is the dare or take a shot." Tasia said excitedly.

"Tasia about to get us fucked up" Ben leaned over talking Miles as he lowkey stared at Morgan who didn't make eye contact with him.

"Oh god" Morgan said as she ran her hand through her hair, everybody chuckled.

"Aw Mo, it's not that bad" Tasia said fanning her off and Morgan sat up putting her hair in a messy bun, she made eye contact with Miles as Tasia got up to give instructions.

You know that look you give when you see the person you messing with on the low? That's the look Miles gave Morgan and she put her attention on Tasia. 

"So the game is each one of us have to take a dare oh the bowl or take the amount of shots on the back of the slip" Tasia explained the game as she brought the trays of shots on the table.

"Now on the back of the slip it has the amount you will take and the kind of liquor. It's different kind of drinks so be mindful of what you drink. If you feel sick you can stay here because we don't want nobody driving drunk." Tasia said as she sat the trays down.

"Babe... how many shots is that" Ben asked and Tasia chuckled.

"A hundred, patron, henny, pinky Whitney, tequila, and fireball is the drinks by the way" Tasia told them as she grabbed the bowl.

"Also, if the person you chose on the dare doesn't want to do the dare a they can take the shots instead." Tasia said and everybody nodded.

"Yo Mo you don't drink do you" Josh asked and she shook her head no.

"No, and I don't plan on it" Morgan said confidently.

"Xavier you're first" Tasia said passing him the bowl.

"Dare and take a shot" Tasia said and and he sigh.

"Dare" he said pulling one out the bowl and putting it down.

"Pick a girl to kiss" He read it out loud and he flipped it over.

"Or take two shots henny and patron" he said and everybody started laughing expect Miles, he was staring at Morgan.

"Imma take the dare" he said and Ben started rooting for him.

"Who you kissing" Andrea asked laughing and he looked at all the girls.

"Morgan" He said and Morgan stopped laughing as she looked at him.

"Who" she asked and Tasia started laughing, Miles sipped his cup as he looked at Morgan.

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