Chapter 20

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*a month later*

"Babe what movie you wanna watch" Christina asked Miles as she laid on the couch.

"Up to you" Miles said as he walked out the kitchen eating strawberries.

"Miles I been meaning to ask you something" Christina said as he walked over to her.

"Wassup" He said sitting down beside her and she looked over at him.

"there was two girls that came by here three weeks ago and got some things out that room. I didn't go in there because you told me not to but how can this random girl come in here and go in there" She asked with a bit of confusion.

"That's her room" he told her as he bit another strawberry.

"That's your sister" she asked and he shook his head no.

"No" he said finishing off the strawberry.

"Then who is she" Christina asked Miles shrugged.

"The girl that's stopping me from cuffing you" he said before standing up walking away.

"What" she said standing up following him.

"How is she stopping you" Christina asked as he put the bowl in the sink.

"Because my heart is on her but my mind is on you" he told her honestly and she was stunned.

"And when did she leave" Christina leaned on the counter top.

"A month ago" he said wiping his hand with the napkin.

"So you been keeping me here for the last couple weeks because you miss her and using me to stop being mad or sad" she asked and he shook his head no.

"No, you came over here and ain't left yet. I don't mind because I don't have nobody here with me anyways" he said grabbing a water out the fridge.

"You know what I think it's best I go home" she said and he nodded.

"Ok.... call me when you make it home so I can know that your safe" he said walking to his room and her mouth dropped.

"Wow" she said before walking off to his room to get her things.

Meanwhile, Morgan was at work. Her life was back on track and she doing fine. She was happy and smiling, her heart was still cold but she remained happy.

"Morgan how are you getting home tonight" Josh asked as he walked up to the counter.

"Tasia, she's on her way" Morgan said as she counted her money in her draw.

"You remember the girl I was telling you about" Josh asked her and she looked up at him.

"Treasure" she said in remembrance.

"Yea. So she said that I can take her out. Where should I take her" he asked her and she shrugged.

"I don't know maybe.... Applebee's or Wild wings. I'm not more of a wings type of girl so I like those two places" she said as she rubber band her money.

"I take those two into consideration..... looks like your ride is here" he said pointing out the window.

"Yea, would you take this to the back and put it on the safe" she said as she handed him the money.

"Yea... see you next time" he said before walking off.

"Alright" Morgan said putting the draw back.

She grabbed her jacket and headed out. She walked over to Ben car and got in.

"Hey bestfriend" Tasia said as she pulled off.

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