Chapter 21

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"Morgan" Anastasia walked in Morgan's house calling her name.

She was fresh out of school and waiting on Morgan so they could go bowling. She walked up the stairs and to Morgan's room. She walked in to see Morgan painting, she stood at the door and watched her with a small smile.

"Morgan you ready" Anastasia asked Morgan slowly turned around with her paint board in her hand.

"Blowing right" she said a bit confused sitting her paint board down.

"Yes Mo, you forgot" Tasia asked walking in sitting on the bed.

"No... I just got a bit side track. I'm going to go get ready" she said cleaning up her mess heading to the bathroom.

"Wow this beautiful mo" Tasia said standing infront of the painting.

The painting was a picture of a couple with a beautiful babygirl. The picture was so beautiful. The quality and effort of the painting made Tasia wanted to buy it. Morgan had a very rare but great talent.

"Ok I'm ready" Morgan walked out bathroom completely dressed.

She had on a black shirt and blue jeans with her bouncy curls hanging. She looked gorgeous and Tasia was surprised she had actually dressed up.

"Who did you paint this for" Tasia asked her with her hands on her hip.

"A dude is paying me five thousand dollars to paint him a picture for him and his wife anniversary" she said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Morgan... are you serious" Tasia asked with a big smile.

"No big deal, something I love to do" Morgan said putting her shoes on.

"Who did your hair" Tasia asked and Morgan finished tying her shoes.

"I just used sum flex rods and water" Morgan told her standing up grabbing her jean jacket.

"Ok well let's go Ben them waiting on us" Tasia said as they walked out her room.

"What you mean Ben them" Morgan asked stopping at the top of the stairs.

"Ben and his friends" Tasia said realizing she had almost caught herself slipping.

"Tasia is Miles there" Morgan asked putting her hands on her hips.

"And if he is, you're still going. Girl come on" Tasia said walking back up grabbing Morgan pulling her down the steps.

"But Tasia I don't wanna see him" she stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"He's probably not there, calm down it's not that serious Mo" Tasia said and Morgan sigh.

"If he's there, I'm not bowling" Morgan said as they walked out the house.

"Ok Morgan, bring your book or something." Tasia said and Morgan nodded.

"I did, it's in my bag." Morgan said locking the door behind herself.

They got in the car and headed to the bowling alley. Once they got there Morgan peeped Miles car and sat there. Tasia was getting out and noticed Morgan wasn't.

"No Morgan lets go please" Tasia pleaded and Morgan looked over at her.

"Tasia I don't want to talk to him" Morgan said and Tasia sigh.

"You don't have to talk to him, he has a whole girlfriend from what I hear" Tasia said and Morgan heart sunk but she didn't show it.

"Is she here" Moran asked and Tasia shrugged.

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