Chapter 24

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*2 weeks later*

"MORGAN" Tasia yelled her name as she walked into her house.

"Tasia please" Morgan said as she laid on her couch watching tv.

"I have great news to tell you" Tasia said walking over to Morgan and she stopped the movie and sat up.

"What" she said and Tasia took a seat beside her.

"Morgan I'm pregnant" Tasia said and Morgan eyes widen.

"What" Morgan said a bit shocked.

"I'm pregnant and it's a boy" Tasia said holding up the ultrasound pictures.

"Tasia I'm so happy for you" Morgan said leaning over hugging her.

"Thanks Morgan" Tasia said and Morgan was so happy for her.

"There's one thing I have to ask you though" Tasia said and Morgan pulled back with a smile.

"Yea" Morgan said grabbing the ultrasound picture.

"Can I stay with you, I'll help pay bills and everything" Tasia said and Morgan nodded.

"Yea, why not. I'm so happy for you" Morgan said as she looked at the ultrasound.

"Thank you so much, Ben and Miles are on their way over here with my stuff" Tasia said letting out a deep breath.

"Ok, I don't care. You can pick a room upstairs. I'll be on the couch for the next three months and two weeks so I don't care" Morgan said shrugging as she handed her the picture back.

"You haven't been eating I see" Tasia said as she noticed the veins coming out of Morgan's arm.

"I have a appetite today so I'm probably gonna order some pizza" Morgan said and Tasia sigh.

"Morgan if you want, when they leave I can take you to go get whatever you want" Tasia told her and she shrugged.

"Tasia I'll just want some pizza, my appetite is good for pizza so I'll just eat that" Morgan said and Tasia nodded.

"Ok, well save me some cause I want some pizza. Imma go down to the store and pick up our prescriptions " Tasia said grabbing her purse heading out.

"Please don't bring me back no more pills, I'm tired of taking those things" Morgan said and Tasia turned as she reached the door.

"I'll be back with our prescriptions" Tasia said leaving out the house.

"Order my pizza" she said as thought about what she was suppose to be doing.

While she ordered her pizza, Miles pulled up on her driveway. Ben wasn't there yet so he sat in the car until he got there. He was intoxicated and hungry, he seen Papa John's pull up in the driveway and get out. He seen Morgan get her pizza and close the door.

"Damn" he said, he didn't wanna get out but he was hungry.

He got out and closed the door locking them. He walked up the porch and rung the doorbell. He rung it again and again and again. Finally the Morgan came and opened the door.

"Can you be a bit more patient, I'm kinda on crut- What you want" Morgan said as she looked up and noticed Miles at her door.

"Some pizza" he said walking right in the house.

"Miles when did I invite you into my house" Morgan asked he looked back at her, she looked good.

"You look good, where you going" he asked licking over his lip.

"Miles I have on sweats, where do you think I'm going" Morgan asked as she turned around and walked back over to the couch.

"I don't know thats why I asked you, how many pieces of pizza can I get" He asked as he grabbed a plate and some pizza.

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