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"I'm getting up" i said as i threw the covers off of me and hopped down from my bed.

Within the next hour I was ready for school. I had on a black sweatsuit with my natural ponytail in the top along with my black rose headband. I honestly was over my life at this point, if I died I wouldn't even care. I mean obviously I wouldn't im dead but you know what I mean.

"Ok I'm leavi-" I stop talking as I reached the living room to see Nia and her friends.

"Who are you" one of the girls ask me.

"I'm Morgan nice to meet you" I said as I tried to walk pass them but all of them stood in my way.

"You fucking with Rj" the girl that stood beside Nia asked me.

"May I ask, who is Rj" I asked her and she laughed at me but I was serious. I honestly didn't know who that was.

"Keep getting smart with me bitch, i will fuck you up" she said as I looked at her in confusion.

"Y'all lets go" Nia said as they walked out the house.

"What did I do to people" I question as I walked to the kitchen getting a cold water.

"Mo here's you lunch money hun" my mom said as she walked in the kitchen.

"Thanks" I grabbed the twenty dollars from her.

"You be safe ok" she said as she kissed my forehead.

I walked out the house putting my hood on. It was sprinkling outside. As soon as I got down the street it started pouring down. I kept walking with my head down until a car pulled up beside me.

"Mo get in" I heard Tasia voice. I looked over to see her in her fathers car.

"Thank you" I thanked her as I got in the car.

"Girl I done told you about that" she said as pulled off heading for the school.

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd already be at school by now" I lied, i knew she wasn't at school.

"Mo your lying, you just didn't wanna call me and ask for a ride" she said telling the complete truth.

"Tasia I'm sorry, I'll make sure to call you next time" I told her as we got to the school parking lot.

"If you sa- Mo what happened to you cheek?" She asked me and I looked over.

"My father" I told her as we got out the car.

"Mo why don't you do anything" she asked me and I shrugged.

"Tasia I don't wanna talk about this again" I said and she smacked her teeth getting out the car


"Tasia I'm going to the vending machine to get me water I'll be back" I told her and she nodded as she talked to her boyfriend, Cesar, who sat at our table.

He didn't like me basically because I told Tasia he only wanted to be with her just to use her which is true. He started dawging me on social media but I never seen it because I don't have one. So it didn't faze me.

I stood at the vending machine behind a girl. My arm was hurting but I tried not to show it. Lastnight my dad came in my room and started abusing me. He punched, kicked, and choked me. I honestly think he broke my arm.

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