Chapter 28

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Morgan was enjoying her life in Illinois. Her and her mom was closer than ever. She was safe and excited about her new life. She and Tasia talked almost everyday, Tasia baby shower was the weekend coming up and Morgan planned on staying down for two weeks.

"Morgan come down for a minute" her mom called her and she put her paintbrush down and headed downstairs.

"Are done with that painting" her mom asked as she walked downstairs.

"Almost" she said and her mom nodded.

"Alright where is the check for it" her mom passed her the check.

"Mom I told her two hundred, not a thousand dollars" Morgan said looking at the check.

"Morgan I told her a thousand dollars, babygirl as a artist you should make at least a thousand to twenty thousand off a painting, especially with how talented you are" Her mom told her and she sigh.

"Well ok, use five hundred for the bills" Morgan said passing her mom the check back.

"Um no, you don't have to pay not one bill. Everything is fine Morgan, it's for you and your work enjoy it" Her mom said passing her the check back.

"Ok" she said and her mom put her purse on her shoulder.

"I'm heading over to the office, I'll be back later on tonight. You ticket it is on the counter over there, I'll be here to pick you up in the morning because I'll probably be working overtime" Monica told her and Morgan nodded.

"Ok well, I'll see you tomorrow morning. I love you be safe" Morgan said and they hugged and she left out.

She went back upstairs and began packing her things. She had two bags, one with her stuff and the second with baby stuff. She was excited for the baby to be coming.

Miles was heading out of the gym from a long day of practice with Floyd and his son. He was beat, he had been working hard for the last pass month. He was determined to make it in the pro-season next month.

"Miles" Iyanna came out the gym behind him.

"Yea" he stopped turning around and she smiled at him.

"You forgot to call me back lastnight you know that right" she asked him, the two had been talking for the last pass weeks and Miles was kinda feeling her.

"Yea I went to sleep, we can hang out tomorrow if you want. I'm free" he told her as he leaned on his car.

"Alright, where you wanna meet up at" she asked him and he thought about it.

"My homie and his girl plan on going to David Buster's tomorrow wanna go" he asked and she nodded.

"Yea, you picking me up or what" she asked and he nodded.

"Ya pops gone be at the gym tomorrow come out here with him and I pick you up from here" he told her and she was just blushing.

"Alright" she said and he gave her a hug before getting in his car leaving.

Once he got home, he went in and took a shower. He got in bed and checked his phone. Before he knew it he was asleep.

"Ben I'll be back" Tasia said as he laid asleep in the bed.

"Bae where is you going" Ben asked Tasia looking over at her.

"Ben we not together, and I'm going to get Morgan" Tasia said and Ben smacked his teeth.

"We not together but we fucking almost every night... ok Tasia" Ben said and Tasia smacked her teeth.

"Ben don't start with me, we together but we not together and that's all your fault." Tasia said and he pulled the covers up.

"Go get Morgan and be quiet, I love you" Ben said as she grabbed the keys .

"I love you too" she said and she left.

Once Tasia arrived she looked over to see Morgan walking out the airport. Tasia got out and ran over to her.

"MORGAN" Tasia yelled and Morgan stopped and grabbed Tasia as she pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hey Tasia, hey" She said with a small giggle.

"You are so pretty" Tasia said excitedly and Morgan was so happy to see her.

"How's my nephew" Morgan asked rubbing Tasia's stomach.

"Well forget about me then, but he's fine. Come on let's go do some shopping, we got a lot to talk about" Tasia said and Morgan grabbed her bags.

"Let's go then" she said with a big smile.

Miles was headed to pick Iyanna up. He didn't know Morgan was back, he slept in the whole day.  Once he picked her up he headed to Dave Busters, the ride was quiet for some reason.

"You aight" he asked her as he drove down the street.

"Umm yea, my dad is just on me because he don't think we should be talking" she said and Miles sigh.

"Why" he asked and she shrugged.

"He doesn't want us to get in between you" she told him and he sigh.

"That's why we taking it slow ya, we chilling" he said and she smiled.

Once they got there, they got out and headed in hand in hand. He peeped Ben car outside so he knew Tasia and him was there. He headed in to see them sitting down.

"Wassup y'all" Miles said and Tasia turned.

"Bout time, come on let's go pay" she said slowly standing up.

"Yo impatient ass" Ben said as he helped her up.

"Oh yea.... Iyanna this Tasia and Ben, Ben and Tasia this Iyanna" he introduced them as they got to the counter.

"Wassup" Tasia said giving her a slight wave and turning to the counter.

"We paying for three" Tasia said going in her purse.

"Oh Nawl, I got us" Miles said and Tasia looked at him.

"I'm not paying for y'all" she said and Ben smacked her hand.

"You ain't paying for nothing period, here you go" Ben said before handing the girl a hundred dollar bill.

"Why y'all paying for three people" Miles asked and Ben cleared his throat.

"Do y'all know it's three dollars for a freaking bottle of water" Morgan asked as she walked over to them not paying any attention.

"Morgan" Miles called her name causing her to look up from her phone.

"Hey Miles" she greeted him with a warm smile.

"What you doing here" he asked a bit shocked.

"Uh-Uh, don't greet my bestfriend like that." Tasia said and Morgan looked at her.

"It's cool, here. And I'm here because Tasia baby shower is this weekend" She said passing Tasia a bottle of water before looking at Miles.

"Morgan lets go play basketball" Tasia said grabbing by her wrist pulling her with her.

"Who is that" Iyanna asked as Ben walked off behind him patting his shoulder.

"The girl I'm in love with" he let thoses word slip his mouth he forgot who he was talking to.

Broken. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ