Chapter 25

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Miles woke up and showered and brushed his teeth in the guest bathroom. He walked in the room he'd usually sleep in to see Morgan walking out the bathroom. She looked like she had just got out the shower and was heading right back to bed.

"Morgan you ain't suppose to be walking without your crutches babygirl" Miles said as he walked over and carefully walked with her to the bed.

"I'll be fine Miles, I had to take a shower" she told him as she sat back down on the bed.

"Who bought you clothes" He asked her and she shrugged.

"Ben took Tasia to get me some, they couldn't find my crutches for some reason" She told him  and he sigh.

"I got your crutches, they in the car" he told her and she nodded.

"May you go get them please" She asked nicely and he nodded.

"Need anything else" he asked her and she shook her head no.

"LNo, just my crutches" she said and Miles nodded before walking out the room.

He went out and got her crutches and phone. As he looked up he seen Christina pulling up in the driveway. He sigh as he turned around and walked in the house.

"Tasia come get Morgan crutches, I got something to do" Miles said and Tasia grabbed them and she seen Christina walking up the driveway.

"That's her isn't it" Christina said and Miles shook his head no.

"Don't even think about it" Miles said before he walked out the door.

Meanwhile, Morgan was laying down in her bed relaxing. She felt better and in a great mood. It was about to suddenly change once she heard arguing at the front door.

She slowly stood up and walked out the room to see Ben holding Anastasia back. She was starting to lose her breath so she sat down.

"Tasia" Morgan called her but she was to busy going at it with Christina.

"Bitch on my soul I'll mop with you right now" Tasia told Christina as Miles held her and Ben held Tasia.

"All this about some damn crutches" Morgan said to herself as she grabbed her crutches and stood up.

"Anastasia" Morgan hopped over to her catching her attention.

"Let it go" Morgan said as Christina stood still talking shit.

"Wassup Morgan, I wanna fight you to" Christina said and Morgan looked over at her as Miles tried to pull her off the porch.

"Fuck it bruh, wassup" Morgan said throwing her crutches down walking over to Christina throwing her hands up.

"Morgan what are you doing" Miles said turning his attention to Morgan who stood like she just hadn't been shot.

"Let her go" Morgan said pointing at Christina and before Miles let her go she slipped from his grip.

She ran up and Morgan hit her with a mean right hook sending dead into the front door.

"Come on, stand the fuck up. I gotta get back on my crutches" Morgan talked her shit and Miles stepped in between the two.

"Morgan stop.... you don't need to be doing this" Miles asked and Morgan was heated.

"You wanna get hit to" Morgan asked as she turned her attention to Miles.

"Morgan no, babygirl please stop don't do this" He begged her, he didn't like seeing her like this at all.

"Move" Morgan pushed him out the way as Christina stood up running up again.

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