Chapter 18

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month. Morgan was still in a coma and Miles never left her side. He had been doing all her schoolwork for her and had been making sure she was ok.

"She's still hasn't woke up" Monica asked as she walked in the room.

"No ma'am, can you wait up here while I go home and grab some more clothes" Mikes asked standing up.

"Miles, go home and get some rest" Monica said lightly as she walked over to the side of the bed.

"Imma tell you just like I told everybody else. I'm not resting until she's home" he told her and she sigh.

"Why do you care so much" Monica asked and Mikes shrugged.

"She's deserve a protector and appreciation. She is a great person and I can't and won't stop protecting her" Miles told her honestly.

"Miles I'm sure she'll be fine while you're gone" Her mom told him and he sigh.

"Imma go get some more clothes, I'll be back" he said grabbing his keys leaving.

She walked over and watched Morgan as she laid in the bed. She started to move her finger and her eyes slowly open. Her mom started to cry.

"" she called as her eyes sat low.

"Morgan baby" she said grabbing her hand.

"Are you ok" Morgan asked, she couldn't move her head for some reason.

"No Morgan are you ok" she asked and she nodded.

"Yea, how long have I been sleep" she asked and her mom wiped her tears.

"A month" she said and Morgan started to worry.

"It's December" she asked and she nodded.

"Yes baby, I'm glad you ok" she said and Morgan nodded.

"Me too, I'm so sorry I was talking like that. Where is he" she asked as she finally turned her head towards her mom.

"He got life in jail no parole" her mom told Morgan referring to Omar.

"Good, so what we gone do now" she asked and her mom sigh.

"Baby I'm still working in Illinois" she told Morgan and Morgan sigh.

"Get out" Morgan told her and she looked at Morgan.

"Morgan I'm sorry, bab-" Her mom told her and she shrugged.

"Your not and at this point I don't give one fuck, get out. I'm getting rid of you just like I did with him, I don't want you in my life leave bye" Morgan snapped at her she grabbed her things.

"Morgan I will be back for you. I promise" she said as she headed out.

"Don't, live life like you never birth me that's what you was doing anyways" she said and she left out the room.

"I'm done crying over people that don't wanna be in my life, fuck it" she told herself and she felt herself becoming stronger.

"Morgan, glad to see you awake" Doctor Snipes said as he walked in closing the door.

"Yea me too" she said with a smile and he smiled back.

"Hadn't seen that in years" he told her referring to her smile.

"I know" she said with a small chuckle.

"Alright so how are you feeling" he asked and she laid her head back sighing.

"Better, i don't feel any pain" she told him and Doctor Snipes wrote it on his clipboard.

"Well that's good news, your healed. You aren't on any meds and without pain, that's a great sign" he said and she lifted her arm up.

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