We separate, and I head to the closest birch in sight. The bark would be good starter fuel, and it's highly flammable.

Seeing Red gather branches out of the corner of my eye, I watch as he stacks them on his shoulder. Damn he was hot..

A loud crack echoed from several hundred yards deeper in the woods caught my attention.

Staring at the source of the sound, I scanned for any movement in the green.  Nothing..

But that didn't add up, that crack couldn't of just been a branch breaking.. There was something out there.. and it was big.

"Ba-" A faint mumble comes from behind me, Red.

He was curled to the ground, hands tangled in his hair. I nearly forgot that he had panic attacks it's been so long..

"Red? Come back to me babes." I whisper, dropping beside him.

Pulling him into my arms, I tear away his hands from his hair and put him to my chest. Although I loved to hold him, seeing him hurt like this was never fun.

"Red, he's not here. It was a stick, you're okay. He's gone, dead. You're safe, it's alright babe."

"N-no hurt.. please." He whispers, looking up at me with teary eyes.

"Nobody's gonna hurt you." I smile softly, wiping his eyes. "Nobody is here but us, babe. You're okay, we're safe. It's only us."


"I know. Shhh." I soothe, holding him close.

Another crack, not as loud, echoes again. Red flinches terribly in my arms. There was something out there, I know it.

"Red, baby. Look at me." I pull Reds' head up from my chest. "I'm here, okay? It's only us I promise you."

"No o-one?" He asked softly.

"No one." I assure, kissing away his tears.

"H-hey, stop that." He smiles.

"Not until I hear that beautiful laugh, babe." I smirk, continuing to kiss his face.

"N-no!" He giggles lightly. "You embarassin-"

A low hum interrupts Red, coming from the direction of the stick break. Red turns to look to it.

And to my surprise, Red hums back. Since when could he talk in something else but English?

He suddenly stood up and started sprinting off to it, and the humming got louder.

"Red! Hold on!" I yell after him, scrambling to get up.

But he doesn't stop to wait for me. If anything, he ran faster. What was going on?

"Red! Come back!" I desperately yell.

He was so much faster than me, and now, he was nearly out of view. What was calling him?

I keep running, until I spot him standing in a clearing. There was nothing there with him though..

"Red?" I call out, and he turns around to face me.

"Sorry, I thought I hear something." That boy is lucky that he's cute because if he wasn't, his ass would be beat.

"You idiot, come on we need to go back." I reach out for his hand. "What did you hear anyways?"

"It nothing. Lets go back." He grabs my hand.

I give him a suspicious look, he wasn't telling the truth.. Brushing it off, I start walking back closer to the camp.

He kept glancing backwards, as if something would appear. Nothing did of course, which was good.

"I'm proud of you." I say, squeezing his hand.

"Huh? What did I do?"

"You were panicking, right? And you recovered so fast, and I'm proud of you for it. You did good." I nod, and he just brightly smiles.

Red picks up the branches he dropped, and proceeded to grab more. As I stripped the bark of the birch trees, and made one large pile.

That would be plenty of bark for a fire, we honestly didn't need as much as I got. Nodding to Red, he seems to get the idea and follows me back into the borders of the demolished kingdom.

"Alright, lets set up the fire right there." I say, pointing with my foot.


Stopping a few feet away from the half-house, I kick a few small pebbles away and drop the bark.

And before long, the fire was blazing up high, smoking up the darkening sky. Mina and Iida had the house cleared in no time, and were now gathered around the fire with Red and I.

"This isn't going to be easy.. at all." I mutter to myself.

"No kidding, those rocks can be heavy." Mina grunted, didn't realize that she could hear me..

"Best to get a good nights sleep. Big day tomorrow." Iida said tossing out the blankets.

"Yup." I agreed, growing the blanket over myself.

"Bakugo? Where did Berns go?" Red whispered.

"When I put him down, he ran off in the forest. He's probably just out hunting. Don't worry he'll be back." I assure.

"Okay.. Happy night."

"Good night."

i think there's gonna only be two more chapters broskianos.. the end is near

-1297 words-

I'm Fragile - Kiribaku Fantasy AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن