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Bakugo POV:

"Did Red manage to make his way in here?" I ask, peeping my head in through the dining hall doors, scanning for any sight of a bubbling redhead.

"Yup, he already went through each one of us, and he moved on to the kitchen staff now." Jiro laughed, nodding in the direction of the kitchen doors.

"Name! Kirishima!" Dunce mimicked, making jazz hands.

"Oh don't you make fun o-"

"Where is Izuku?" IcyHot interrupted, pushing past me into the dining hall.

"We don't know, as soon as he heard Red yell that his name was Kirishima, he stood up and ran off." Sero answered, taking a seat in the middle of the large hall.

"Weird.. I'm sure he will return shortly." He guessed, walking in farther to take a seat.

Following the Prince to the table, I take a seat separated from everyone else. I do not like messy eaters, and I know for a fact I am the only neat eater here.

Zoning out from listening to the obnoxious chatter surrounding me, I focus on a potted plant in the middle of the table. Making all else blurry, and only the single green leaf of what I think to be a plain fern become clear.

What is going to happen after all this? My mission is done.. Does that mean I go home to my kingdom? If its left standing that is.. Or is it d-

"Sir? Would you like kasujiru or butajuri?" One of the kitchen servers said, snapping me from my thoughts. (these are both traditional japanese soups)

"Kasujiru, please." I replied, still captivated in my daze.

"Bakugo you alright? You seem out of it." Mina said, leaning over the table.

"Yup, I'm fine. Just thinkin'."

"Alrighty then." She turns back to the rest of the table, engulfing into a conversation again.

The soup was served to me shortly, steaming and hot. I have never been a big fan of kasujiru, but enjoyed it the few times I get it. Taking a spoonful and blowing on it twice, I cool it down slightly.

"Okay, okay! I found it! Luckily you had a spare in your library because the first time I read it it was at the Yamada and Aizawa Kingdom's castle." Deku barged through the doors, flipping through a book like the nerd he was.

"What are you talking about?" Todoroki asked, I'm pretty sure we were all confused at this point.

"Red said he was a Kirishima, right? And in this book I read... it said his name... somewhere.." He muttered, flipping page after page.

"Quit muttering, nerd! We can't hear you when you do that." I snark.

"Sorry Kacchan! It's just that... jeez where is it!"

"Babe, just tell us what you are talking about. You are confusing everyone."

"Be patient for two seconds!" He yelled, aggressively flipping through the book before finally coming to a stop. A smile spread across his dorky face as he held out the book. "Here,"

Everyone leaned forwards to get a better look, except for me of course, I could care less about the damn book. Not like I could see it anyways, he was too far away.

"Okay.. so Re- Kirishima is a dragon? We already knew that.." Mina say, sitting back down in her chair.

"Mina, read closer. Kirishima is one of the dragon clans that were super aggressive and killed thousands from multiple kingdoms. Their kind was enslaved and taken advantage of like two hundred years ago." Deku exclaimed, "Didn't you read your history books?"

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