One thing that was always calming was flying, drifting in the clouds and allowing the wind to carry me had something so relaxing about it. It was almost like nothing could go wrong up here.

Momo was right, there wasn't much flying left to do. But instead of an hour, we arrived in a mere thirty or forty minutes. And this time I wasn't shot down with rope.

Having a soft landing in the courtyard, I feel each person drop off my neck. Bakugo wasn't kidding when he said nine people would be heavy..

Popping back into two feet, I hop over to where Ochako was holding Bakugo. He was floating again, and she had only one hand holding his wrist so he wouldn't fly away.

"He sleep?" I ask, poking his shoulder.

"Yeah, you want to take him inside? I'm sure we can find Sero by ourselves."

"Yes, yes!" I agreed, grabbing Bakugo's shoulder.

"You think you can carry him without levitation?"

"Mhm, I can."

Pulling his weightless body down to my level, I prepare to carry him to the castle.

"Got him? ‎קיין לעוויאָסאַ." She chanted, and the grey hue disappeared.

Bakugo fell into my arms and I happily carried him up to the castle. I hadn't seen Sero yet either, but I know Bakugo would show me when he was better.

"Red? You guys came back sooner than we thought.. Where's the other two?" Yamada asked, he came from one of the side halls in front of me.

"Hi, hi! Kaminari and Shinso outside, they see Sero." I explain, adjusting Bakugo in my arms.

"And what's up with him? Is he alright?"

"Ochako tell he in sh-o-ck? Shock."

"Oh, okay. Need help or anything?"

"I okay, thank." I nod, walking past him down the hall.

Luckily I remembered where Bakugo's room was. Because we were right next to each other, and because I got lonely at night..

Nobody else stopped me on my way, not even one of the maids or butlers. I liked the maids, they were funny..

Carefully opening the door, I enter Bakugo's room. The curtains were open, so it was rather bright.

Laying Bakugo on his bed gently, he didn't wake up. I pull the covers up to his shoulders.

"Bakugo? You okay?" I whisper, poking his cheek.


"Hey! You no sleep!" I smile.

"Mhm, but I wanna sleep now. I'm tired." He grumbled, rolling over.

"What happen?" I asked, lifting the covers and crawling onto bed next to him.

"What do you mean?"

"You go in shock? Ochako tell me that." I explained.

"Oh.. I had a bad dream, and when I nearly fell off your head I guess that did it?" He shrugged, still not facing me.

"Tell me?"

"About the dream?"

"Mhm, only if want.."

"I'll tell you later.. I want to sleep for now." He sighs, pulling the covers up to his chin.

"Okay, I sleep with, yes?"

"That's fine.."

With a grin, I scoot closer and pull Bakugo into my chest. He gave no objection.

Bakugo was always so warm and comfy, it was nice. He was nice..

But I couldn't help but wonder what that dream was about. It had to of been bad for him not want to talk about it..

Most of the time he'd talk about it the second I asked, and we'd work through it. Or maybe it was just a dream he didn't like..

Because I know with most of his bad dreams, he'd thrash around and kick. But I didn't feel him do anything of the sort on my head.

He merely just was slipping off..

"Stop thinking so loud, I can hear it. Just go to sleep idiot."

"Sorry, sorry."

i don't care how old you are, glow in the dark star stickers are a must have for every bedroom. and i stand by that

-1142 words-

~tragedy out <3 <3

I'm Fragile - Kiribaku Fantasy AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя