And his split hair was pulled back by two single braids that met into a bun at the back of his head. As the bottom half was left down and curly, oh how I'd kill to see him sleep in curlers again. He always got upset when I'd make fun of him.

The King released my arm, allowing me to walk up the few steps up to Sho. Even though he couldn't see it, I gave Sho a small smile.

"We are gathered here today to witness the conjoining of two powerful kingdoms, the Todoroki Kingdom, and Yaoyorozu Kingdom." The priest began, the room was filled with silence. "May I have the rings, please?"

A small boy walks from the side of the room holding a small box. Carefully making his way to the center, the young man stops in between Sho and I.

The priest reaches out as the boy opens the box with his small hands, revealing two rings.

"Prince Shoto Todoroki of the Todoroki Kingdom, I ask you to repeat after me. 'I give you this ring,'" The priest hands one of the gold rings to my Shoto.

"I give you this ring," Sho repeats.

"'-To represent the union of our kingdoms,'"

"To represent the union of our kingdoms,"

"'-And ever-lasting fairness and love I will give to you.'"

"And ever-lasting fairness and live I will give to you." Sho grins, holding the ring with two fingers.

"Princess Momo, if you would give your groom your hand." The priest gestures, to which I oblige.

Sho puts the ring on my finger, and tingles runt through my whole body with his touch. He always kept his hands so soft..

"Princess Momo Yaoyorozu of the Yaoyorozu Kingdom, do you agree to be a caring and supportive wife to your Prince? To stand next to him as a sign of unification and peace?" The priest belows, I nod.

Sho slips his own ring on, fitting perfectly onto his finger. I wish I could do it for him..

"Then I now pronounce to you, the truce between two kingdoms. Prince Shoto and Princess Momo, you are now both one. You may lift the veil. Audience, please look away for respect to the bride."

As the people turn away, Shoto carefully lifts the veil off of my face. The shadowing covering my eyes had left, and I could see Sho's face clearly for the first time today.

Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes, and Sho rested a finger to the bottom of my chin. I flutter my eyes closed as our faces grew closer and a warm presence greeted my lips.

It was only a quick peck, but it was much better than lasting another minute without his touch.. He was just so beautiful.

The veil was dropped over my head once more, concealing me from the public view. And as the priest turned around, Sho gave me a final small smile.

"You are now one, congratulations." The priest said in monotone, as the crowd applauded quietly.

Shoto took my gloved hand, leading me out of the room. Following the Yaoyorozu tradition, we would now watch over the ballroom, as our guests celebrated the union with dancing.

Luckily for us, the ballroom was just down the hall, and I could hear the guests respectively following behind us.

Making it to the ballroom, Sho and I take our spots in the very back of the room. We stood together as the band began to play.

Most guests had come up to congratulate us, but unfortunately I was still not allowed to speak. Momo's traditions really set this wedding up perfectly for a get away.

"Your Highnesses," Two familiar Kings bowed.

"Aizawa, Yamada. How nice to see you." Shoto greeted kindly.

"Congratulations for you two, it's about time you got married." Aizawa winked, I froze.

"Excuse me?" Sho asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How long have you been together? Five- seven years? ..Please, you thought I wouldn't notice?" The King snickered, "I must say it has been a while, but I think I know a familiar nervous hand shifting when I see it."

Aizawa pointed to my hand that had been twitching slightly this whole wedding. Was I that obvious with my nervous habits?

"Be sure to tell the Witch Uraraka hello for me," Yamada waved, as the Kings returned to dancing.

I gave a nervous shrug to Sho before returning my eyes to the ballroom. Not being able to recognize most people, I was surprised to spot a familiar head of ashy blonde hair dancing with a red headed boy.

Who knew Kacchan would grow a big enough soft spot to public dance..

And who was that red head? It couldn't be him.. could it?

so my sister and i switched rooms this weekend for the fun of it, and i attempted to put up one of my engraved wooden slabs. which ever so unfortunately was placed over my desk.

and to my luck, it fell randomly off the wall and perfectly onto my phone. long story short, i was able to get a new one that actually turns on.

rip my iphone se 2015-2020

-1374 words-

~tragedy out <3 <3

I'm Fragile - Kiribaku Fantasy AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang