She was really pretty, when she's not blubbering and spitting drool everywhere.

"Okay Mr. Grumps." Shinso scoffed as I continued to bounce the baby in my arms.

"Red, we get that she's cute, but there's no need to cry about it." Dunce said, patting Red's shoulder.

"But she pretty." He sniffed, what was wrong with him?

"Uh.. Sirs?" A maid called from the door.

"Yes ma'am?"

"We need your help again.. she got out and locked herself in a room. She's also refusing to cooperate with us." The maid explained, fumbling with her skirt.

"Red.." I sigh, turning to look at him. But I can't believe they let her get out again, it's ridiculous. "You're gonna have to be really careful with her. Okay?"

"What?" He tilted his head to the side.

"I'm going to give you Taiyo-"


"Yes. But! You're gonna stay on the couch, and you won't stand up. Right? You'll keep hold of her?" I assure, as he hops over the couch and lands on the seat with a plop.

"Yes! Promise!"

"Okay, you'll be careful with her right?" I ask, gently handing her over Red's head and into his arms.

"Bakugo, you've told him to be careful like seven times. He'll be fine, we gotta go catch M- the woman." Shinso rolls his eyes, walking out.

Luckily, Red was too captivated by the sleeping baby in his hands to catch Shinso's stumble. I didn't need Red worrying about her even more than he already did..

Going after the maid, she leads us three down the hallway. But how did Mina get out again? They had her under full lock down..

"She's in there." The maid pointed to a door with another lady standing with her ear pressed to it.

"-Ma'am, please unlock the door."

"Nope~ you can unlock the door for me, it's a secret." I heard Mina sing from the inside, muttering pure nonsense.

"Excuse me, but may I try talking with her?" I ask the woman politely, hiding my internal fury that they let this happen again.

She nods and backs away from the door. While Dunce and Shinso watch from behind me, I get my ear pressed to the wood.

"Mina. Open the door." I say sternly, frowning.

"Ooo, there's a new one. Hey, play some chess with me, would you?"

"I'll play chess if you open the door, I'll give you five seconds. Five.."

"Nope. I'm a free. Nobody counts for me."


"Hey.. do I know you? You sound like that baker guy from a book I read, it sucked."

"Three, your time is running out Mina. Open the door if you want to play chess."

"I don't like chess, it's not fun."


"Okay! The doors open, it's been open."

Grabbing the doorknob, I attempt at twisting it, but with no avail. That damn woman.

"Mina, it's still locked."

"I know. I lied, you see, it's all apart of the book of chess." What the actual fuck was she talking about.

"Mina, are you hungry?"


"Well if you don't open the door you won't get to eat ever again, and you'll get hungry eventually."

"I'm too cool to be hungry, and I'm tired. So I'll go to sleep now.."

"Nope, you won't go to sleep!" I spit out, "Because your bed is out here, and you'll need to sleep on it to.. sleep?"

"Nice one Bakugo, makes perfect sense." Shinso gives a thumbs up sarcastically, to which I roll my eyes.

A soft shuffle and click from the door startle me, as the door swings open.

"Oh hi, I'm going to bed. See ya." Mina blurts, stumbling a few steps forwards as the maids go to catch her.

"Thank you sir." One of them nods before helping Mina back to her room.

"Wanna play chess?" I hear Mina mumble, god I hope she heals quicker.

Grumbling to myself as we walk back to the library, I couldn't ignore the fact that they let Mina escape like that. The isolation was for her safety, and for her to heal better.

Also, they had her under twenty-four hour watch, she couldn't've just walked out like that. They hadn't been doing their jobs right..

I open the library door quietly, knowing the baby was most likely still asleep. But what I didn't expect, was to hear two sets of snores..

Looking overtop Red's head, I saw both him and Taiyo passed out. Taiyo was sprawled over his chest, with Red's hand over her back. And Red has his mouths agape, drool going down his cheek.

If they weren't such disgusting sleepers, I'd say they looked cute.

"Of course Red looks more like a dad than me, and he's not even trying! What kinda buffoonery is this?" Dunce throws his hands up.

"You look like a great dad to me, babe."

"Shut up! You guys are disgusting."

i haven't shaved since febuary and i measures my leg hair today.. it was 1.2 inches..

now if that ain't goals idk what is

-1402 words-

-tragedy out <3 <3

I'm Fragile - Kiribaku Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now