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“Paraplegia is almost always the result of damage to the brain, spinal cord, or both. In most cases, spinal cord injuries to the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral spinal cord are to blame. When these injuries occur, signals cannot travel to and from the lower regions of the body, and the body is prevented from sending signals back up the spinal cord to the brain. Thus, paraplegics not only struggle with movement below the waist; they also experience extensive loss of sensation. This sensation loss varies from a feeling of tingling or reduced feeling in the waist and legs, to a complete inability to feel anything below the waist. Some injuries produce temporary paralysis in one or both legs. Even a broken leg can look like paraplegia in the right circumstances, as can the aftermath of a seizure, allergic reaction, and some surgical compilations. I will need to look at your brain or spinal cord to see if there are damaged nerves or tissue that impede the ability of signals to travel to and from the legs. Those tests might include: Blood tests to assess whether an infection, cancer, or other problem contributes to the paraplegia, A lumbar puncture to remove a small quantity of fluid from your spinal cord and assess its function, CT scans or MRIs to see your brain and spinal cord an Myelography X-rays to envision your spinal cord and brain. I hope you don’t mind Sir Handley?” soal Dr. Callington setelah panajang berjela menerangkan penyakit Paraplegia kepada Marc yang sedara tadi sekadar mendengar.

Marc sekadar menangguk membenarkan Dr. Callington melakukan check up ke atas dirinya. Sememangnya prosedur untuk mengesan permasalahan penyakitnya.

Marc kini berada di bilik rawatan Dr. Callington yang akan merawatnya sepanjang dia di sini. Dia percaya Dr. Callington antara doctor yang terbaik dan mampu merawatnya di Kingstons Hospital ini. Memandang hari ini merupakan hari pertamannya, Dr. Callington hanya akan menerangkan serba sedikit mengenai Paraplegia dan Langkah susulan untuk merawat kakinya.

“Every patient is different, and treatment that works well for you might not work for another person. Generally speaking, intensive treatment gives you the best chance at recovery, particularly when you begin receiving treatment immediately after the injury. Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems offer comprehensive and highly rated treatment, so if such a facility is near you, consider moving your recovery to that location. I suggest some treatment options for you Sir Handley such as medications to reduce your risk of infection, blood clots, and other secondary issues. Secondly, physical therapy to help you regain as much function as possible by teaching your brain and spinal cord how to work around the injury. Physical therapy can also help you slow the loss of muscle tone below the injury. Third, exercise therapy to help you remain in good physical shape and reduce chronic pain also psychotherapy to help you adopt new coping skills for managing your injuries. Clear?soal Dr. Callington yang amat bersemangat menerangkan rawatan yang akan menyusul ke atas Marc selepas ini.

How long I need to undergo this treatment?soal Marc setelah jelas mendengar penerangan daripada doctor peribadinya itu kini.

That depends with yourself. If you are passionate and do not despair, then you heal.”ujar Dr. Callington bersama senyuman seolah memberi semangat kepada lelaki didepannya ini.

Lelaki yang dia kecewa 3 tahun lalu kerana enggan menjalani rawatan menyembuhkan kakinya. Kini, Marc datang semula dengan harapan ingin sembuh. Dia sangat gembira dan sedia berkhidmat untuk Marc. Lagi pula, lelaki itu bukan calang-calang orang. Siapa sahaja tidak mengenali keluarga Handley? Keluarga yang mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam dunia perniagaan bahkan sangat peramah dengan masyarakat yang mengenali mereka.

Pasti sahaja keluarga Handley disenangi orang ramai walaupun ada musuh yang dalam diam ingin menjatuhkan perniagaan itu.

So, when will we start?” soal Marc mendatar.

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