In The Willow Tree

Start from the beginning

"Jesus, Toya h-"

"He's god?"

"No! You're stupid, he is Tsunagu Hakamata, their kingdom is known for their luxury clothes and business style. If you're becoming king, you should know this."

"Could you quit scolding me for two seconds? Jeez, Fuyami. Anyways, the seats, should we have a specific order or should it be random?"

"Reserved, random would be informal."

"Okay.." Toya said, writing on a spare paper full of notes. "Then food, maybe some flowers?"

"Flowers yes, food no. This is a coronation, not a party." I said, watching as my brother scrunched his brows.

Continuing the chat about whether to include this or that, Toya went down a terribly long list of questions. Which we discussed for over an hour, much to my despise. I always hated these meetings, but at least now with father gone I can speak freely, almost.

Once the whole event was sorted, along with the seating arrangement, I grabbed Izu's hand. Leading him out to the gardens, we twist and turn through the hedges, trying to find the center.

Alike the millions of times before, the large willow tree stood grand and tall before us. In all its beauty, the leaves were just about to fall off, and the tree appeared a brilliant fiery yellow.

"Race you up!" My boyfriend giggled, oh he was so cute. How unfortunate that he would lose.

"You can try!" I reply, smiling brightly as I sprinted to the knotted willow tree, grabbing the first branch and pulling myself up.

We laugh all the way up to the flat spot where the branches fanned out, heaving and coughing. Struggling to catch our breathe, we both smile and try to contain our giggles.

"I- heh- win!" Izu wheezed out, taking deep breaths.

"No way, whew- I totally beat you by a mile!"

"Sure, you can think that." Izuku grinned, scooting over next to me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a prince, and we could run off into the mountains. Build a home, grow old together, and watch the sun spread across the horizon forever." I admitted, putting my head on top of his.

"I mean, you left once before, why not again?"

"Because," I sighed, "Fuyami was heart broken when we escaped. After father caught everyone and locked me in my room, Fuyami was the first to visit me. She was upset, I mean, she had every right to be.. We kinda left without a trace, besides the fact that we took a whole ass dragon with us."



We sit in silence for a few minutes, watching as the birds fly about, singing from their nests and nearby branches. The soft hum of the bees pollenating the red flowers below the tree filled in the gaps of silence when the birds took a short break, to say the least, it was comforting.

"See Sho? Just like this." Izu said out of the blue, registering me confused. I pick my head up to look at him.


"Just now, how were were? Watching the birds fly and the wind blow, thats what I want Sho! Just to be with you, watching the day go by. We can sit in trees, I don't care what we do or look at, I want it to be with you. Thats all I need," He said softly, looking up at me with eyes filled with loving tears. "That is all I need."

He repeated, bringing a hand up to cup my cheek. His eyes darted all over my face, as if they were taking in all of my details, memorizing each little dimple, curve, and ridge.

I felt my own lips tug upwards as I stared into his eyes, oh those emerald eyes. The beautiful green, the dark swamp green that slowly faded to a brilliant emerald in the middle, sprinkled with soft glowing golden and ocean blue specs. His eyes, they were beautiful, he was beautiful.

My eyes fluttered closed as his face got nearer, I could help but smile when our lips met. Reaching my hands up to his face, I cup his cheeks, as his arms wrapped loosely around my neck.

Peppering his whole face with kisses as he giggled, I made sure to mark every one of his tiny freckles that complimented his cheeks and nose. His cheeks were brutally attacked by my kisses, tickling his nose and jawline.

Resting my forehead on his, I finally open my eyes to look back at his stunning eyes. No matter how many times I looked at them, I would somehow drown in them, the endless sea of greens, the never-ending beauty.

His eyes closed once again as he tilted forwards, greeting my lips again with his own. Pushing back and forth, our kisses got rougher, only separating to fit in a small giggle. Our lips pressed harder and harder together, begging for more contact.

"Sho, you're gonna knock me off the tree's flat!" Izu giggled, separating our lips and rubbing his thumb across my cheek.

"The kiss would be worth it."

heres a little fluffy chapter as a thank you. thank you for being so amazing and sweet. i know i have repeated this like almost every chapter, but still, thank y'all so friggin much! <3 <3

but if you guys have any questions about me or my book, please do ask! i am always stalking my notifications for comments, bc y'all do be real funny a lot..

also i know a couple of you (ahem ahem @Baygurl23) have been staying up super late reading my book! please take care of yourselves, your health is much more important than my book. this will still be here in the morning i promise! <3 (sorry to call u out baygirl)

stay safe and healthy! <3

-1358 words-

~tragedy out <3 <3

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