"He's.. gone." Aizawl said, barely above a whisper.

I let out a small roar, collapsing onto the floor, scattering the littered chair pieces. I felt the rest of the royals slide off my back, and out of the corner of my eye rush over to Aizawa.

Extending my neck, I look over top the stage, seeing Bakugo. His eyes were clouded, and red surrounded his body. Bringing my snout over to him, I sniff his limp and contorted body, inhaling a lot of iron. 

Chirping to get the other two king's attentions, they break apart from their hugging and run over with tears in their eyes.

"Check everyone's pulses! Now!" Yamada orders, rushing to Mina and putting two fingers to her neck, just like they did with Master. I was confused, why did they like touching peoples necks? Shinso and Kaminari also run over, kneeling next to Sero and Iida while Aizawa checks Jiro. Leaving Bakugo last.. I mean, he smelled like iron, so he had to be fine.. right?

"Mina has a pulse!"

"Same with Jiro."

"Iida's alright, too!"

"Sero is a little faint, but I think he will be okay."

"Who's got Bakugo?" Kaminari asks, Aizawa immediately offers and rushes over to the the limp blonde. 

Pressing his two fingers against his neck, he sits there for a second. His eyes get wide and he moves his finger slightly, and again. He grabs Bakugo's limp wrist, and presses his fingers to that instead. Was something wrong?

The other four seemed to become antsy, waiting for Aizawa to say something. But the king kept moving his fingers over his wrist again and again. Finally placing an ear to his red chest, he sits like that for a solid minute.

"Hizashi. Get cloth now. Kaminari, take Eri out of the room. I don't care where you go but just out."

"But Dadd-"

"GO!" He yelled aggressively as Yamada ripped a table cloth into strips, he was taking off Bakugo's dampened red shirt. Kaminari picked up the Princess, both teary-eyed as he ran out of the room.

"Dad? Whats going on?"

"Hitoshi, I need you to help your Pops with tying the wounds. I have to do CPR."

"Wait why? He's not d-"

"Just help Pops!" He shouted, getting to his knees and placing both of his now red hands onto Bakugo's chest. Aizawa began pounding onto his chest, what what he doing?

I watched as they gave Bakugo this 'CPR' thing while Shinso and Yamada used the table cloth to wrap his legs. Wouldn't receiving CPR hurt? It looked like he was getting punched..

Suddenly, the king dropped his head back onto his chest, looking at his face.

"Shh! Shh!" He silenced, although nobody was talking. Shaking his head, he props his hands back onto Bakugo's chest and begins to push again.

"Come on Bakugo, come back to us." I heard Shinso whisper, he was crying.. Come back? But Bakugo was right here?

"King Enji?" A voice yelled from the back of the room. I turn around, looking at the person, it was nobody I had recognized.. Just a man in formal clothing. "Oh, the dragon's back." 

The man closed the door right after that, which was weird.. He didn't seem to notice that the whole room had been torn apart. I turn back around to see Aizawa still pressing on Bakugo, and Shinso wrapping Jiro, and Yamada wrapping Sero. The brown cloth was spun around her head already, she looked like she was wearing a headband.

"I got a pulse!" Aizawa yelled, causing Shinso and Yamada to exhale with relief.

"Thank the gods." The prince prayed.

"Is he stable?" 

"I don't think so, we will need to keep an eye on him. But hand me a few strips, we need to stop everyones bleeding now." The king said, walking over to Iida.

I felt kind of useless, just sitting there and watching, but then again, I was a brave warrior. Protecting Princesses from evil trolls, and saving one at a time.

"Hello?" Another more familiar voice said from the end of the dining hall. "Father?"

It was Sho, I got up happily and trotted to the door Sho was peaking his head out of. Reaching down, I lick his face with my tail wagging. 

"Red! Stop that!" He laughs, "Is Father in here?" 

"He's over here!" I hear Shinso yell, Sho sticks his head out and around me.

"Is that him?" Sho asked, pointing to Master who was still slumped with a crooked neck.

"Mission accomplished." Aizawa smiled, "Well, kinda. The cost came at a high toll.."

"Oh my god." The red and white haired boy said, seeing the stage. "Ar-Are they alright?"

"Uh, no.. But they will be. You should've came here two minutes ago, Bakugo was dead.."

"No.. Really?" 

"Yup, mind keeping an eye on him while we finish patching up these guys and getting them loaded onto Red?"

"Yeah, yeah.. Sure thing." He said hesitantly, walking over to Bakugo with wide eyes.

I just lay patiently along the floor, ignoring the fact that many wooden fragments of chairs and tables were digging into the gaps of my scales.

"Careful now, we need to get these guys home quick, before we lose one.."

okay so you guys freaked out... and i felt bad.. so i was like why don't we write a fluffy chapter as an apology! then one thing led to another and then this happened... and it kept getting sadder.. so.....


-1492 words-

~tragedy out <3 <3

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