One Out Of Ten

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"He told us that Jungkook went this way." Jimin stresses, and V sighs out heavily. "Towards those rock cliff-looking things. We have to find him."

"Why would he go there?" I say worriedly, about to start my horse when I press my lips together and fix a harsh glare at the two of them.


"Get on here." I say firmly to Jimin, motioning at my horse. "You're riding with me. Not V, because I don't want my ears burned apart to pieces."

I'd even caught them with their lips parted, no doubt to start another argument.


"It'll be fine, Tae. I'm a good rider. And you know I have my Blessing to protect myself if anything goes wrong."

At that, he finally relents. Jimin looks between the two of us, eyes narrowed. "So are you two saying that if White's horse goes crazy and kicks the two of us off then you're fine with only me dying?"

"That won't happen." I assure, but he still looks skeptical as he gets on my horse.

"Damn, you're such a better rider than Tae." He says loudly just a minute in, and I roll my eyes when V growls in his direction. "Riding with him— I thought I was going to get sick."

"Just be quiet." I say, and he gets silent. But not before he shoots a triumphant smile at his younger brother, who looks like he's about to murder him with his Blessing.

But I still have to hold him once in a while, righting his balance if he swayed more to one side without himself noticing. Being deaf in one ear and eye had messed tremendously with his balance.

We ride until V finally opens his pursed lips, carefully speaking. His tone is different, and I wince slightly as he says what I'd been wanting to tell Jimin the moment he'd suggested riding aimlessly into the Cliffs.

"Hyung— this is pointless. We won't find him this way, you know that."

Jimin blinks widely. "What do you mean? Yoongi told me he went to this direction! You were both there, remember?"

But I can hear his words shaking.

He knows it himself. But he doesn't want to acknowledge it.

"Jimin...." I whisper out, my heart hurting as I look at his expression. It's denial— such complete denial. "Jimin, let's go back home. Jungkook will find us. We can't find him."

"And who said that?" He scrunches his face up, smiling encouragingly. "We can find him! It'll be a good surprise."

I swallow, hardening my voice. I really didn't want to do this, but if this went on, we'd actually be lost in the Cliffs. V had even signaled to me that this was his limit— memorizing the way we'd come so we wouldn't wander around.


Then something crosses through the air, and I look up in wide eyes. An arrow. Speeding straight for my face.

And V saves me for the five thousandth time.

He crashes his horse into mine, taking my place and batting the arrow out of
the way with his knife. My horse stumbles, but then breaks into a run when V drives his foot harshly into its side.


"V!" I yell, my voice cracking when I realize he'd sent my horse on a speeding run towards the opposite direction of the bandits. They were shooting from above, between the rocks.

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