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"And this is Jungkook!"

"Scythe." Ignoring my words, Morning nods her head at the boy. "Nice to meet you."

She doesn't look like it's nice to even look at his face.

"You can call him Jungkook." I say, kicking him sharply underneath the table when he gives me a glance.

"He's the same age as me."

"Oh." An innocent look appears on Jungkook's face, and he blinks at Morning. "So you're Noona to me. Hi Noona. Nice to meet you too."

My eyes flicker to Morning. I knew she was two years older than me— so I had to call her Unnie. But I'd always hesitated, because I didn't know if she'd be okay with it.

And now Jungkook has thrown out the words.

Morning looks up sharply, and my doubtful eyes accidentally catch hers.

"What?" She snaps, her voice slightly on edge. "Just call me by my name."


"So he's a good kid." My voice is more confident now, and I smack a hand on top on Jungkook's head. I ignore his protesting look, watching her expression.

"You won't need to worry about him."

"His Blessing?"

I laugh half-forcefully at her straight tone, trying to make it seem lighter. She really got to the point quickly.

"I'm a mind breaker!" He announces, and I sigh inwardly at his bright face. "Oh— and I can teleport. Yeah, I can do that too."

She nods, and looks at me.

"And I understand that you're a healer." She says, in that cool, icy tone. "You can make yourself untouchable for a short period of time, am I right?"

I nod vigorously.

"I mean," I add, with a thoughtful look on my face. "It depends on my Blessing. But yeah, that's basically it."

Then I hear the door opening, and I look in that direction to see V. He blinks dazedly at the three of us, one of his eyes still half-closed from sleep.

In the corner of my eye, Morning's gaze narrows.


She doesn't like him at all.

I hurry to my feet, ignoring Jungkook's anxious, pleading stare. With my back to them, I give V a quick kiss on the lips and lead him back out the door.

"How do you feel? Want to get some air?"


When he doesn't say anything, I glance in his direction. I burst out a laugh when I see him staring at me with wide eyes, his cheeks slightly blushed and lips squeezed together.

"Let's go to the balcony."

I'm pointing towards the large indoor balcony, with the glass windows when he suddenly shakes his head.

"No." His reply is quick, and his blush gets a bit deeper. "I mean— I don't need to."

As if he's embarrassed, he turns his head to the side. "Let's go outside. I do want to get some air."

"Anything you want."

My heart leaps when I see him turn away quickly, the tips of his ears scarlet. His steps are faster than usual, and I almost laugh out loud.

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