Little Healer

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I'm here.

Come find me.

My eyes burst open, and I shiver at the biting cold. I search frantically for V, but he's not here.

Of course he isn't. I'd left him, saying those stupid words. That had been the last time I might see him, and I'd said all those things.

I want to die.

Sniffling, I look around at the cramped windowless room. There's a door, but of course it's locked, and from the outside.

I'd been taken by a slave trader.

"Dammit." I whisper into my hands, my teeth chattering. It was so cold in here, and my cloak felt frozen around my shoulders.

"You're awake." A voice comes from the door, and I hear it click open. The blue-haired man comes in, and I growl.

I lunge, my Blessing flaring.

But then I'm harshly pulled back, and my eyes land on the metal rings circling my wrists. My heart drops to my chest, and he smiles.

"You really thought you could escape."

"He's going to kill you." I hiss at him, and he raises his brows. He starts shaking with laughter, eyes vicious.

"Oh, you had a pretty little boyfriend, didn't you?" He laughs harder, and I try not to think of V. It was just making everything worse.

"Sorry to tell you. He's never laying eyes on you again, sweetheart."

My heart sinks.

"Don't look so glum about it." He says, his sweet voice sickening. "I have to thank you, though. Someone still paid a fortune for you even with that short hair—"

"Shut up."

His face twists, and it only makes him angrier that he can't hurt me. My Blessing's back, and I smile at him coyly.

The smug expression is gone now.

Then it comes back, and my eyes widen in horror when he smiles devilishly. I'm trying so hard not to show it, but I can't help but tremble as he licks his lips.

"Have you ever been kissed before?"

"Stay away from me." I warn, my voice thick with the fear in my head. "Don't you dare. Try. To. Touch. Me."

"I already did that." He says, and I feel like I've been hit with a rock.


"You're too attractive." He smirks, and my heart starts racing. "How could I not?"

When I was fainted.

I feel sick.

When he sees my expression, his smirk only deepens. He finally leaves, and I cry and tear at my skin with my hands.

I cry until there's no tears left to spill.


No one visits for what seems like days.

This is better, I keep telling myself, shivering violently in my dirty cloak. Better to die in this cold than to die with that disgusting man—

Heavens Whisper | K.THМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя