Don't Close Your Eyes

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"Hyung, you're burning up." I say, worried. His clothes is still wet inside, and he's shivering. But he's not answering me at the same time.

"Jimin hyung?"

When I run my fingers over his eyes, I suck in a sharp breath when I realize they're closed. I start to panic, shaking his body a bit harder.


I sigh in relief when I hear a stuttered breath, not mine. Not being able to see anything was so stupid— so detrimental.

"I-I think I have a fever or something." He laughs softly, and I narrow my eyes. My voice comes out a bit sharper than I mean it, probably because this entire situation is stressing me out so much.

"Well you better not close your eyes, then."

But then he doesn't answer again, and I shake him. He mumbles out sleepily, fingers tightening protestingly around my forearm.

"Jungkook— just let me sleep. I'm so tired."

"No! Don't sleep!" I say a bit loudly, only growing more agitated when he doesn't say anything back to me. "Hey! Jimin hyung!"

"Jungkook— I'm not going to die."

"Well, you don't know that for sure." I say, the concern growing in my voice as I feel the temperature of his forehead. It's burning hot against my cold skin, and I swallow.

Actually, his entire body is like a furnace.

"I'm so tired, Kook." His voice sound so weak, and I start shaking as I just hug him tighter in my arms. I've heard a lot of people in their deaths, and it sounds so similar to how he sounds right now.

Maybe I'm panicking, but I don't care.


I can't see anything, and can't hear anything either. I reach for his eyes again, and start trembling even more when I realize they're closed.

I don't know what to do.



Siren had told me Jungkook and Jimin were probably being kept in the bottom cells in the dungeon.

Then she'd also told me not to go right now because the Emperor or whatever was already predicting that there would be someone coming to help them out, that it was a trap.

But too blinded by anger after hearing about Jungkook, I'd blown that off completely.

His eyes.

With nothing else on my thought but to get to them, I get quicker, more reckless. On my way to the dungeon cells, I nearly get caught by more than three times.

I'm crouching in a hidden corner just next to the entrance of the dungeons, looking thoughtfully at the two guards standing there.

How was I going to get in there without them noticing me?

I'm into about two minutes of hard thinking when the two guards suddenly crumple. They just crumple silently, faces twisted with pain.


Then I smell a burst of mint and ice, and I swallow a surprised gasp when two arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Demoiselle, you do not just go off by yourself like that."

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