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I hadn't meant to surprise him, but Jungkook drops the massive weight he has clutched in his right hand the moment I call his name, slamming his shoulder into the wall the same time he hits his head on the overhead beam.

He stumbles back with a shocked expression on his delicate features.

"Oh my Go— are you okay?" I exclaim in shock as I rush over to his wincing figure. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that."

"I— I just didn't expect anyone here." He stutters, his eyes wide as he quickly hurries to move the weights out of the way. "It's fine."

"You hit your head pretty hard." His face flushes when I point at the top of his head, but he just nonchalantly runs his fingers through his hair.

"That's nothing."

Giggling at his facade, I unhook a pair of dark gloves from the side rack as he gives me a curious look.

"Why are you here?"

"Wanted to punch something." I grunt back, flexing my hands against the cool material. My lips purse when my mind returns to V, the look he'd had in his eyes when his secret had been stripped from him.

I growl low in my throat.

I'd come here because I wanted to distract myself from him, and here I was doing the opposite of that.

"Punch something?" He replies, a confused look on his face. "Are you mad with someone?"

Looking up at his face, I bite my bottom lip. The delicacy of his features reminded me of how different they were from V's.

There was nothing soft about V's beauty.

"Not really." I turn my face away, realizing I'd done it again. "I just got tired of doing nothing in my room. There was nowhere to go."

"You need a distraction."

When I nod at his statement, he breaks into a smile and hands me a knife. "Let's fight. Loser go gets candy from the kitchen."

"Even your taste is childish." I giggle, refusing the blade he hands to me. Instead, I hold up V's knife. "I already have my own."

His smile widens. "You've come prepared, my lady. I promise I'll go easy on you."

"Watch you say that after you lose." Flashing my knife at him, I make a slicing motion on my neck. Even though I'd been practicing, I knew I was no match for the grinning boy. But this was good distraction, and that was something that I needed.

"Strike first, my lady."

Tightening my hand on the handle, I drop to the floor. My eyes flicker as I swing the knife upwards, expecting an easy dodge from him.

He sways, avoiding my strike so gracefully it's almost as if he was dancing. A devil smile bites at my lip— this boy was showing off, wasn't he?

Recalling V's lessons, I shift my grip and sweep the knife sideways as I pretend to go for a straight jab.

The sound of metal meeting metal echoes around the room.

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