Blue Winter

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After the fourth hour of painful practice in front of the mirror of trying to sit and focus like V had always forced me do, I finally see a light silver outline the shape of my body.

And it stays.

Careful to keep my mind firm on the fragile connection between my body and Blessing, I find V's knife on the ground next to me. The tip is already stained with my blood, my wrists scarred from the times I'd thought my Blessing would stay.

Then I hesitantly draw the edge across my wrist.

I don't feel anything. My silver barrier holds even after a slash, and I tilt the knifepoint downwards, my focus stronger than ever.

When I stab at my thin wrist, the metallic knife bounces off like my skin is made of steel and not flesh.

"It worked."

"It worked!"

V's knife slips from my fingers as I jump up and down, squealing in excitement. The vicious headache I'd had is now gone completely as my lips split into a proud smile.

I couldn't wait to show V.

What are you saying? My inner voice suddenly snaps, and I tighten my lips as I sit back down on the ground.

No. Not V. He wasn't even going to care anyways— he'd probably just nod once and go back to whatever he's doing.

Huffing out loud, I sit back down in front of the mirror and concentrate again. The silver only flickers this time, but it makes me already so ecstatic that I could will it to happen.

"Are you done now?" Siren's annoyed voice echoes from outside the door, and I hurry to let her in. "What took you so long, anyway?"

"Look!" I exclaim, closing my eyes and pulling at the energy bubbling in my stomach. A bright silver flashes, and Siren's eyes go wide.

"White— that's your Blessing!"

"I know, right?" I say happily as I grab her hands and try to dance. But she quickly pulls away, a sly look on her face.

"But I need to remind you that you still can't dance to save your life."

"I'll get it someday." I shrug, rubbing at my head. Now that the adrenaline had faded away, I felt mentally exhausted. "Like I got this."

"I would say I'm proud—" Then her eyes suddenly narrow, and she grips my left forearm. "What the heck are these supposed to be?!"

"Oh, those." I say, glancing at the scars that I'd made by mistake. "Relax— I'm not going through depression. Those are from when I thought I was in control of my Blessing."

Then I smirk at her, trying to imitate her usual voice. "And your language was so inappropriate right now."

"I don't talk like that." She hisses, turning up her nose and shifting her pale blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Get your heels."

"And get ready to dance in them."


Now I'm almost physically and mentally dead as I trace my way towards Winter Wing for evening lessons.

My ankles hurt from the four-inch heels Siren had made me wear, a devilish smile on her face the entire time she went through graceful steps.

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