Mine to Kill

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It hurt so much.

Watching my own body, lifeless and covered with blood, hit the ground. Watching his dark silhouette walk away with calm, unaffected strides.

In the distance, I see everyone in complete shock. Only the Empress is smiling grimly, her thin lips pressed together in a malicious smile.

The knife buried in my chest hurts even more when I see Jungkook yelling, his face torn with grief as he tries to get over to me. His tears are visible all the way from here, and I feel my empty eyes sting.

He's crying for someone so stupid.

The darkness pulls me down.



"How could you do that?"

Scythe's cold voice echoes into my roaring ears, and I swallow as I look at the blood streaking my hands.

There's no damn time.


"Do you know where they took her?" I hiss under my breath, and his eyes narrow as I close the distance between us. "I need you to find her—"

"She's dead." He growls, expression venomous. "You killed her."

"I need you to listen. We don't have much time." I say, steeling my voice as I ignore the echoes of her screams in my head.

"She isn't dead."


"I said listen, or she will die because you were too impatient to listen." Even though my hand had trembled when I'd done it, there was no doubt. "I didn't put the knife in her heart. If it had just been an inch, she would be dead right now."

His eyes go wide.

"She's alive?"

"Her Blessing will keep her alive." I nod, trying to calm my breaths. "But not much longer. I need you to get her to Winter."

"That ice Palace?! She'd—"

"It's the only place that the Empress can't simply just destroy." My lips twist in impatience as I lock eyes with him. "We don't have time. I know your Blessing includes teleportation."

"Winter's too far." He shakes his head, slowly nodding. "I can't teleport two. Just one."

"Then her first."

Finally, he nods, breaking his eyes away. "She's probably at North Wing. Everyone thought you killed her— including the Empress."

"That was what I wanted."

My voice shakes a bit, and I turn around towards North Wing with his stare on my back. I'm about to leave when he calls, crossing his arms.

Heavens Whisper | K.THOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora