House Rhys

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"Wait— so negotiating? With who?"

"Princess—" Then he blinks open an empty green eye, pausing for a second before closing it again. "I don't remember her name. It doesn't matter."

"Uh, shouldn't you at least know the name of the person you're trying to negotiate with?"

"No." He says, looking out to glance at the approaching Palace. It's significantly smaller than the one back in Amber City, but still large enough to fit a million people.

"I'm not the one negotiating. She is, for her life."

"What?" I exclaim, stunned so that the words hold back in my throat. "Her life? What are you talking about?"

V grimaces, his expression clearly not wanting to explain. But when I stare at him with an expectant look on my face, he finally bites his lip and talks, voice so tense it feels like it could break.

"Who do you think the Blessed are, White?"

I pretend to think carefully about his question, but really the answer is clear. It's been clear since I came here, with only me as a half-exception.

"That's easy." My words come smoothly, and I lean backwards into the seat of the carriage. "They're rich people with special powers that party all night."

"And you think that's all we are?" He asks, his head tilted on his palm. The soft sunlight streaming through the open window shade the side of his pale face golden, making his dark hair glow like black fire.


He laughs bitterly, so it doesn't sound like laughter at all. "You really don't know anything at all, demoiselle."

"Well, that's probably why you still call me by that damned name—" I mutter under my breath, my voice cutting off when he laughs, for real this time.

I'm stunned.

There's an actual smile on his lips. It shocks me into silence seeing just that one tiny expression change his entire face, the stiff coldness melting away to reveal a youthfulness I didn't know he had.

He looks absolutely beautiful, even if that smile disappears as quickly as it has come.

But before he can continue, the driver knocks on the door. The movement has stopped, and only then do I realize how dangerous it was for him to talk to me about something like that where someone could hear.

They would easily sell out V without a thought to the Empress for a couple coins.

The moment we enter the Palace, I see a young woman. I somehow instantly know that she is the Princess, the one trying to trade for her life.

She's gorgeous.

Her ice-blonde hair is simply let down, cupping a face that could be easily be mistaken for a doll. She's wearing the most elegant dress I've ever seen in my life— floral chiffon, swirling like water between her pale legs.

She would easily beat some of the most beautiful girls of the Blessed.

"You must be V from Winter." She smiles and curtsies, her stunning ocean eyes lingering on him. Her voice is enough to rival Siren's song. "And—?"

She tilts her head at me.

"You don't need know her name." V says sharply, and I shoot him an annoyed look as she looks a bit taken aback. "I aim to be back by midnight, Princess."

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