Because of Her

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Such a child.

How had she even known about here?

Sunrise gleams purple and gold against her sleeping face, and I unclasp my cloak to pull it over her figure. It was chilly out here, with only glass as walls.

I hug her body to mine, gloves tight around my hands. It was too risky to touch her without them, when I didn't know for a fact I wasn't going to hurt her.

"Oh." A sudden laugh comes, all sleepy and slurred. I look down, to see her blinking half-eyes at me. "It's Tae Winter."

I want to kiss those lips until she won't be able to talk. Or to say my name like that.

"You should know better than to sleep here." I say scoldingly, but she whines when she catches sight of my hands around her.

"I hate those gloves."

"And I thought we went over this already." My voice instinctively grows colder. A habit that I can never seem to fix. "It's necessary."

"It really isn't." She mumbles under her breath, like she thinks I can't hear her. "Doesn't mean I still can't hate them."

My expression softens, and I brush my lips across her forehead.

"Go to sleep."

"You go to sleep, Tae Winter." She suddenly bursts into giggles, taking a deep breath. "You know that you smell weird? Like warm ice. Honey ice."

"Ice." I can't help but to laugh. "You must be joking."

She doesn't give an answer. When I glance down again, her half-open eyes just a second ago are now completely closed, her chest rising and falling with sleep.

I grip her tighter.




"Jungkook?" I call, poking my head into his room. He looks up with surprised eyes, holding the blankets to his chest.

"Did you carry me to bed last night?"

"No...." He trails off, before a devilish smile splits his lips. "Must've been V hyung."


My mind goes still, and I can't help but smile as I leave his room and go to find Rell. It made me jumpy to imagine he would've done that.

"Over here!"

A muffled shout comes from the window, and I look through the glass to see Jimin. I can see his piercing teal eyes all the way from here, and his body glowing softly.

His Blessing?

Why would he be using that?

But then I giggle into my palm when I realize he's spraying showers of snow and ice onto a small figure.


She's practically covered in the white stuff from head to toe, her arms flapping wildly. Jimin just keeps sprinkling snow on top of her.

"Yah! Park Jimin!"

"Holy s—"

His eyes go wide as I bend over laughing on the sill. Scowling, he sticks out his tongue at me.

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