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"How do you know Scythe?"

"Holy crap!"

Brushing off my shocked yell without even blinking, V repeats his question as calmly as five seconds ago while I'm trying my best to calm down my own heart attack.


"You mean Jungkook?" I ask, a bit confused at the fierce look in his usual cold green eyes. "The one that I—"

"Yes, the one you fought today." He nods, frustration clear in his voice as he growls. "He would've ripped your mentality into shreds if he didn't know you personally."

"Is that what he does?" I ask, surprised at the unexpected Blessing for such an innocent and bright person. "Wait, why do you sound— did you actually want my mentality in shreds?"

"Yes— what?" Then he stops himself, pale cheeks blushing with either emotions of anger or embarrassment. "I mean— why can't you just understand, demoiselle? I didn't just speak a different language."

"I met him the first time I was here." I say, the anger dissipating at the surprise that I'd managed to snap him so easily. "He was the one who led me to Winter Wing, you know."

But when I look back at him because of the silence, he nods once before walking out of the room. His face is back to the same thing as a stone palette, and I sigh as he mutters over his shoulder.

"For the afternoon lesson, see me in Ever Hall."

And then the door closes behind him, and I'm left wondering where in the world that was supposed to be. I'm staring off into space with my legs crossed on the bed when there's a knock on the door.

I look up.


"Can I come in?" But instead of the face I was expecting, I see someone completely different. Jungkook has a smile tugging on his lips as he pokes his head through my doorway, expression mischievous.

"Yeah— hold on for a second." I say, jumping off of my bed and hurrying around to quickly clean the pile of battledress and carelessly-tossed boots.

"Okay." I breathe, opening the door to fully reveal his always-amused face. He hasn't taken off his clothes from earlier, still wearing black and silver shine over his eyes. "Okay, you can come in now."

"Were you expecting someone else?" He says, and my cheeks warm with an embarrassed blush as I shake my head. He must've heard me call out V's name when he knocked.

Now that I think about it, it pisses me off.

"No, of course not." I huff, annoyed at myself as I cross my arms and hold up my head. "What are you talking about?"

His smile widens.

"Anyways, thank you." I say genuinely, recalling early morning. "If I hadn't gotten paired up with you, I would've been screwed."

"No problem." He laughs, eyes curving into crescents. "I see Siren hasn't managed to gotten to the language part yet."

"She has." I stress, trying to make my words more careful. "I just suck— I mean I'm just bad at it. I've talked like this all my life."

"So— I heard your Blessing was something related to the mind?"

His eyes flicker to me at my abrupt question.

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