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"People who touch him gets poisoned."

My mouth drops open. V shrugs, his eyes flickering back from me to the window.

"It's the truth."

"I believe you." I say quickly, swallowing. So it was something related to touch. Both V and Asher were like this— born to live a life without ever touching anyone.

But I was V's exception.

A sigh runs through my lips, and I force myself to accept that he'd meant the best for me in the Trials. It wasn't his choice— it was all the Empress' fault.

Like always.

"I'm not mad at you, okay?" I say firmly, and he gives me a side glance. "And I like you much more than your brother."

He sighs, and I glare at him. "Tae. I'm serious—"

"I know." He says back in monotone, before he stops and turns his head to look at me.

"Who told you my name?"

"I can't believe I heard your name from your brother and not you." My lips purse when I hear him cursing out his brother under his breath.

I break into a smile.

"Why? Tae Winter sounds cute, actually."

"Don't call me that." He snaps, but I burst into laughter as he walks out on me. His cheeks had been redder than I'd ever seen them.

My brows raise in confusion when I finally calm down, and I realize I'd forgotten to ask him.

But why would he hate that name so much?


It's nighttime now, and he's still missing.

Finally, I get tired of waiting patiently in my room and hurry to his. My bare feet is quiet on the cold floor, and I stand on my tiptoes as I press my ear against the closed door.

There's a muffled sound of footsteps.

And it's coming towards the door.

Just in time.

Stifling a laugh, I quickly shift next to the doorway. It was going to be so funny when I surprised him.

I hold my breath and press further into the wall as I watch the doorknob twist to the side. The moment the door slits open and I see his shadow, I jump at him.


The first thing I see is his startled expression as he reflexively draws back a fist, before realizing that it's me.


"Did I scare you?" I laugh when his eyes suddenly flicker to my feet, and he sighs. "I scared you, right?"

"You must've heard of something called shoes." He answers stiffly, and I burst into harder laughter when he moves back into the room and slams the door in front of my face.

A second later, he appears with a pair of black slippers with a raised eyebrow.

"I believe this is yours."

Heavens Whisper | K.THDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora