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"Hey! Wait!"

But even though I shout after her, she just keeps hopping over the underbrush with her little feet.

It isn't hard at all to catch up to her, even though she's led me pretty deep.

"Stop it!" She yowls, scratching and hissing at me like a kitten. "I won't tell you where he is!"

I tilt my head.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You're just going to hurt him even more!" She shouts, kicking at me as I try to hold her flailing figure. "You're a bad person!"

"C-Calm down!" I stutter, flustered and confused. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Why were you watching me? Are you here all by yourself?"

"Let go!"

"I'm not going to hurt you!" I exclaim, trying to dodge her little punches. "I'm serious!"

"Well, you're not taking him back!"

"Taking who back?!" She gives me a bright angry look when I say that, crossing her arms firmly together.

"The one that you stabbed in the chest!"

Stabbed in the....?

"Jimin?" I suddenly say out loud, and the little girl's eyes go wide. "Jimin? Are you talking about him? Silver-haired? Teal eyes?"

"I knew it!" She shouts, her brown eyes flashing. "You know him! And now you're—"

"Jimin's alive?" I whisper, my heart trembling. Tears sting at my eyes, and she gives me a suspicious look.

"Of course. I healed him— after you stabbed him in the chest."

She was a.... healer?

This little girl was a healer.

"Thank you." She exclaims in shock when I crush her in a tight hug. "Thank you so—"


My heart seizes at the light voice. It's the voice I never thought I would hear again.

When our eyes meet, it's like time stops.

He's exactly like that night— messy silver hair, bright teal eyes. My bottom lip trembles, and his panicked expression turns into shock.


"It's okay!" The little girl yells again as she tackles me on the front. But I don't even notice it, my eyes fixed on the person in front of me. "She won't hurt you!"

"Rell— it's okay." He comes closer, and my eyes sting with tears as he picks the girl up in his arms. "She's my friend."

"I thought you were dead."

"I'm sorry." He looks down with a sad smile, his hand touching the center of his chest. "I couldn't find a way."

"You damn idiot!"

I crush him in my arms. It's the only thing I can do— make sure he's really there, that I'm not imagining it.

"V and Jin— they'll be so happy."

His head snaps up. "Are they okay? What happened? They're both fine, right?"

"Everything's fine now." Gripping his wrist, I pull him towards the direction I'd come. "You're coming to Winter. I can't wait—"

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